
Your career ambitions cause you to make plans for the long term future. If you don't like the prospects for your current field, think about getting a job in a different industry. Someone with your varied interests should be able to find a satisfying job related to emergency services. Any work that has an element of urgency is a good fit for your spontaneous energy. Explore opportunities at companies, government agencies and hospitals that have excellent fringe benefits and retirement plans.

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Defending the underdog in your community is appealing. A seasoned professional is impressed by your courage. By joining forces, you can make more resources available to a greater number of people. Broadcasting a helpful government program can ease burdens for struggling families. Don't be surprised if you're offered a salaried position at this organisation. You may not want to leave your current job for this offer, but it's flattering to be asked. It's good to have an interest outside work.

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You're not forthcoming with career plans, which is wise. Why give rivals a chance to apply for work that you want? If you're happy in your current position, this would be a good time to turn your attention to health matters. Taking more exercise will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to ignore. Don't be surprised when you become a hot commodity on the romance market. Even gentle exercise like walking and swimming can be therapeutic. Moving your body releases tension.

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A business partnership is incredibly rewarding. You usually keep ideas to yourself, but now's the time to broadcast them far and wide. Your thoughts on boosting morale and increasing productivity have merit. Fortunately, someone who senses your potential will ask for your input. Once you realise how receptive they are to your suggestions, you'll be more forthcoming. Soon, you'll become the resident problem solver. Ask for a rise, as your employer will want to keep you in the organisation.

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The opportunity to land a more satisfying job will present itself. Have a list of references and previous employers readily available. This will make it easy to fill out applications. Opportunities related to banking, property and office management could be especially lucrative. This may not appeal to your artistic side, but having a steady income will give you the necessary resources to develop new skills in your free time. Besides, it will be nice to have money for the occasional luxury.

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Taking charge of a project that is spiralling out of control will be satisfying. You've got a talent for breaking down complicated jobs into small, manageable tasks. Don't be intimidated by peers who look down on your methods. Secretly, they're jealous they weren't given this important assignment. It will be necessary to stand up to a bully who keeps trying to undermine your authority. Make it clear you won't tolerate their insubordination. Enforcing a rule will send out a clear message.

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Making home improvement plans appeals to your domestic side. Although you enjoy going out and having fun, you also want to entertain at home. You're an expert at creating a gracious but comfortable atmosphere for guests. People marvel at your good taste, but aren't afraid to relax and enjoy themselves at your table. If you've always wanted to go into business for yourself, you might think about becoming a professional caterer or party planner. You could make money doing what comes naturally.

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Acquiring marketable skills will boost your confidence. Just because you're a seasoned expert in one field doesn't mean you should sit on your laurels. Knowing how to operate the latest software programme will make your life easier. The boss will also be impressed by your initiative. If your career has been withering on the vine, think about getting a certificate in a field that will give you more freedom. Learning a language or becoming a physical therapist will allow you to work abroad.

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This is a wonderful time to negotiate a rise or land a well paid job. You might have to work behind the scenes, which is counterintuitive for a forthright person like you. Working as an assistant to a high powered executive will be enlightening. You'll learn some valuable lessons about how to conduct yourself in high stakes business and make valuable contacts. Treat this job as a dress rehearsal for the real thing. You don't want to launch a store or service before you've paid your dues.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're determined to blast past obstacles that have been holding you prisoner. Instead of waiting for permission to launch a project, just begin. The powers that be will be outraged at your arrogance, but that's too bad. You could wait all of your life before getting their approval. Secretly, they're probably jealous you will become their greatest competition. That's probably why they've been so reluctant to write letters, grant licenses or give you time off. Take the future into your own hands.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keep exciting plans a secret from friends and family. You don't want cautious types to discourage you from taking a gamble. Unlike most people, you're not afraid of risk. You don't like being out of step with the rest of the world. It can be difficult when your dreams are so different from those of friends and family. Instead of trying to fit in, wear your uniqueness like a badge of honour. If you don't follow your own star, you're destined to be disappointed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're able to give objective opinions to the people you love. At times, this has put you into trouble. This time, your constructive criticism will be welcome. A cautious type needs help loosening up for a presentation. You can offer valuable tips on how to seem natural and spontaneous. That's because you're a natural actor. Although you're shy by nature, you've learned how to mask your social anxiety. A lot of people would be shocked to know just how introverted you really are.

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