
You'd rather overthrow the established order than work within its confines. This rebellious attitude will do more harm than good. Vulnerable people in the organisation needs stability, not chaos. Instead of entirely rejecting the status quo, make a few mindful reforms. Be practical about financial matters. If your income can't support your lifestyle, it's time to downsize. Eliminate impulse purchases and learn to make your resources stretch as far as possible. Continually making purchases with credit cards will put you in serious debt.

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Pursuing a career simply for money and status won't be fulfilling. You've been blessed with tremendous creative talent. Landing a job in the arts won't be lucrative at first, but it will be emotionally rewarding. Your happiness will act like a prosperity magnet. Erratic behaviour will reflect badly on you. If you must break a promise, give people as much notice as possible. Offer a sincere apology, as well as any financial compensation for losses. You don't want to get a reputation for being unreliable.

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It's important to be diplomatic when promoting an idea. People who have their doubts shouldn't be ridiculed; they should be persuaded. Use your powerful communication skills to bring these sceptics to your side. A calm presentation of reliable facts will turn the tide in your favour. Beware of listening to self-criticism. Although it's admirable you want to improve your performance, that can't happen if you continually berate yourself. Give yourself gentle praise and encouragement. By treating yourself like a young plant, you'll soon burst into flower.

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Trying to intimidate others to do your bidding will backfire. The only person's behaviour you can control is your own. By treating others with respect, you'll have much more success in winning support. Even those who don't support this project will help with others. A treacherous friend should be shut out of your life. In the past, you were willing to put up with their backhanded compliments. Now you realise you have better things to do with your time than spend it with this petty person.

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Conflicts of will are sapping your energy. You're tired of fighting with someone who continually challenges your ideas. Instead of staying together, a temporary separation can be helpful. A little distance will sharpen your perspective on the source of strain. An inability to get along with one of your superiors at work must be addressed. If there's no hope for building a better relationship, start looking for another position. Take control of your life; you have more power than you realise.

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It's hard to get anything accomplished at work because of a hostile environment. If it's impossible to get along with colleagues, you should start looking for another position. You spend so much time on the job, so it's critical that your time there is pleasant. Beware of getting caught up in a fad. Although an extreme programme can sometimes yield dramatic results, this is the exception instead of the rule. It's better to stick to a sensible approach that has been historically effective.

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Don't be convinced of your success. There are still many hurdles to clear before you can finish the race. Talented rivals could outperform you. Rather than picturing yourself in the winner's circle, focus on rendering a flawless performance. Leave nothing to chance. When working with heavy or dangerous machinery, wear safety equipment. It may not be fashionable, but it will save you a time-consuming trip to A & E at the hospital. An ounce of precaution will have tremendous rewards. Put on the safety gear.

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Supressing your emotions is like pouring fuel on a fire. Find an outlet for your feelings, whether it's writing in a diary, working out at the gym, digging in the garden or kneading dough. Tension creates health problems when it's not released. A business or romantic partner will deliver shocking news. It may be necessary to distance yourself from their actions as soon as possible. Although you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, it looks like they don't deserve it.

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If someone asks you to go above and beyond the call of duty, simply refuse. Rather than resorting to sarcasm to make your point, be polite but firm. Don't get drawn into an argument about whether you should do this work or not. An inability to accept routine is affecting your job performance. If you're going to move up the ladder to success, you must stick to a schedule. Stop insisting on special treatment and do what is expected of everyone in the system.

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Working harder and harder to make more money won't be rewarding. Your time is valuable. Spend it on activities and relationships you enjoy. No amount of money will give you the same level of pleasure. Scale back your professional responsibilities in favour of fun. Giving children too much freedom can inhibit their growth. You may not realise it but setting healthy boundaries can be reassuring. You don't have to rule with an iron fist, but you should establish sensible rules.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A show of aggression will turn people against you. When things aren't going your way, back down. Trying to impose your will on others will make a bad situation worse. If you're dealing with an unhelpful service worker, politely ask to see the manager. Upsets in the home are weighing on your heart. No matter what you do or say, you will never win the approval of a demanding relative. Stop bending over backwards for this family member. Seek to satisfy yourself instead.

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Don't give too much power to your fears. Worrying about the unknown is a waste of valuable time. You can't know what the future will hold, so why not assume an optimistic outlook? A positive attitude repels stress and attracts good fortune in all forms. Restless energy makes it difficult to complete a job. Stay away from distractions like social media to remain focused on a job. Setting a strict deadline can keep you on task. Give yourself a reward for reaching this goal.

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