
You're able to sense intuitively other people's feelings. Use your sixth sense to build bridges and overcome misunderstandings. When confronted with hostility, react with kindness. A compassionate gesture will mean the world to someone who is suffering in silence. People will be impressed with your generosity. Satisfy a craving for beauty. Visiting a garden, museum or boutique will fill you with pleasure. Give yourself permission to spend a little more money than usual on something that pleases your spirit.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Don't hesitate to develop a brilliant idea that comes to you while driving or showering. Wonderful breakthroughs often occur when your conscious mind is preoccupied with mundane tasks. The seed of a film, book or song will quickly burst into flower. Working with a group of artistic people will be satisfying. It's nice to be surrounded by people who aren't threatened by your imagination. Together, you'll create something of lasting value that delights a tasteful audience. Thinking outside the box pays off.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Solving a stubborn problem at work will be gratifying. You're good at pinpointing the conditions that create confusion, stagnation and frustration. By adapting a procedure to meet the needs of the people affected, you'll cause everyone to breathe a sigh of relief. Attending a social or family get together will be lots of fun. This is a wonderful opportunity to wear something that turns heads. Your distinctive style will attract the romantic interest of someone looking for a creative partner.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You'll have a wonderful opportunity to share your expertise with appreciative students. This teaching job will be a good source of income. Use your earnings to travel to a place that has fascinated you since childhood. Visiting an ancient city by the sea is advised. Submit an article or manuscript for publication. Someone who is greatly admired in your desired industry will be captivated by your work. Don't be surprised when you get lots of fan mail because of this work.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Someone will tell you a sob story that doesn't have much truth to it. Take this tale with a pinch of salt. If you're asked for money, politely refuse. You will know you're dealing with a trickster when they lash out at your refusal. You'll benefit financially from a personal or professional partnership. Use this money to take a dream trip. You've always had a taste for all things suave and stylish. Satisfy it as often as possible; you are meant to lead a life of adventure.

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Forming a partnership with an artist will work to your advantage. You might find their methods to be strange at first, but resist the urge to question them. By giving each other plenty of space to work freely, you'll produce some remarkable results. You have something valuable that somebody else needs. Instead of giving away your services, set a high price for them. Suddenly, people who took your contributions for granted will look at you with fresh respect.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A loving encounter is a welcome diversion from petty problems. Indulge your sensual side, even if it means missing a deadline or appointment. When you deprive yourself of pleasure, you become tired and irritable. Nobody likes dealing with you at these times. Donating time, money and resources to a good cause is strongly advised. People in need will appreciate your willingness to make their lives more comfortable. You're a lot more influential than you realise; a simple smile can redeem somebody's day.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your vivid imagination causes people to doubt your stories. They often accuse you of exaggeration, which is frustrating. Just because you are highly creative does not mean you are a liar. Stop trying to win the approval of others. Continue to trust your instincts. This is a good time to play a game or enter a contest. You're sure to win yourself a prize. If the winnings come in the form of cash use it to finance an art project that is dear to your heart. It will be liberating to work with quality materials.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're very suggestible. Don't believe a relative's version of events. This family member is trying to turn you against someone who shares your idealism. By joining forces with this visionary, you'll both make a positive difference in a troubled part of the world. Listen to powerful emotions. If you feel bad about your role in a situation, withdraw from it. Apologise to anyone who was hurt by your involvement. You don't want your reputation to be destroyed by such a harmful association.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Endless daydreaming is stopping you from moving forward. It's time to act, even if you're not exactly sure where a project will take you. Instead of trying to get sight of the big picture, concentrate on taking one step at a time. This is a great time to fill out an application for a grant, loan or scholarship. Allow yourself to make an emotional appeal to the people in charge of dispersing funds. They'll appreciate your candour and reward it handsomely.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Taking an unpleasant job for money will be cause for regret. Hold out for a more rewarding work opportunity. You simply can't abide working for greedy people who take advantage of the public. Turn a deaf ear to those who criticise you for being idealistic. When you do what you love, the money will follow. Using this logic, you should feel free to apply for jobs in the charitable or creative arenas. Your energy and enthusiasm will lead to a series of pay raises that greatly enrich you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your creative talent is in demand. There's never been a better time to launch your own business, apply for a high-profile job or go on an audition. If the prospect of having your work reviewed makes you nervous, pretend like you're playing a role. Projecting self-confidence is critical to your success. Model your behaviour after someone that you have always admired and respected. Their example is worth following and can guide you to future successes. Soon you'll reach goals that seemed impossibly out of reach.

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