
Being a free agent will greatly increase your income. You work quickly and efficiently. Earning a flat salary at a conventional job goes against your financial interests. Take this opportunity to strike out on your own. You won't be sorry. People will start treating you as the foremost expert in your field. That's because when you're offered a job, you immediately pinpoint what needs to be done and how quickly the work can be executed. The orders will flow in like a mighty river.

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You're ahead of your time. Some people find your attitudes shocking. That's all right. It's better to be original than predictable. If you've been longing to change your look, go for it and be as daring as you like. Let your innate sense of style be your guide. Someone who is undergoing personal challenge admires your courage. They'll begin treating you as their mentor. Give your friend the support and encouragement they desire. Thanks to you, they'll stop trying to please others and will finally realise their potential.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You long to free yourself from societal constraints. This is your chance to do so. Embarking on an unusual lifestyle will feel liberating. It will also earn you lots of respect. If want to live off the grid or grow your own food, do it. You'll be put in charge of a joint financial fund. Invest this money so that it serves as a shield against economic uncertainty for everyone involved. This nest egg will give you a great deal of personal and professional freedom.

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Unusual goals set you apart from the crowd. Your relatives and neighbours see you as something of an odd duck. That's fine with you. It's much more rewarding to be distinctive than blend in with the crowd. Keep following your own star. A strong partnership gives you the courage to start your own business. Any venture that involves property development, antiques appraisal or banking will be especially profitable. Thanks to your partner's support, you will find a measure of success in any field.

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You'll achieve career success in unusual ways. Instead of trying to follow a predictable model, try something radically different. The secret to your success is attending to every small detail. By rolling out a flawless product or service, you soon will be rolling in money. If you're looking for work, you'll land a position in a new industry. Acquiring valuable skills will guarantee you long-term job security. Any time you get a chance to attend a training session, you should go.

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You'll be asked to travel at the drop of a hat. Although you hate tearing yourself away from a comforting routine, this trip will be interesting, exciting and good for you. You'll encounter some unusual opportunities to expand your influence. If you're offered a teaching job, take it. Living overseas will put you on the path to love. You'll meet someone with an accent that makes your pulse pound. This transition will also improve your quality of life. Embrace change. Your current circumstances are pleasant but limiting. It's time to branch out.

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An unconventional relationship is a big source of pleasure. You enjoy being with someone who is different from you in every way. Although there will be frequent arguments, these fights will pave the way to divine make up sessions. A little conflict is good for you. If you're single, be open to embarking on a romance with someone from another generation. Your partner will give you a fresh appreciation for things that used to escape your interest. Best of all, your amour will stimulate and support your creativity.

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A partnership will form quite suddenly. Joining forces with someone who is patient, practical and humorous will be the answer to a prayer. You're tired of dealing with mad geniuses. Having someone upon whom you can rely will be a breath of fresh air. Taking a course will improve your professional prospects. You'll have to put some social activities on hold while you study for tests, do research and write papers. Don't worry; your friends will be on hand to celebrate when you pass this course with flying colours.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working on your own allows your imagination to flow freely. Although you enjoy the company of your colleagues, they can sometimes limit your thinking. Find a quiet and private place where you can spread out your materials and create something new. Long-range financial planning will pave the way to a comfortable retirement. The simple act of putting a percentage of your pay into savings will put you in a very strong position. Instead of working for your money, make your money work for you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone will confess a crush on you. This comes as a complete surprise. Instead of dismissing the possibility of this relationship, give it a chance. You'll have a great time on an outing that your admirer has planned. Be open to the unexpected. You'll be offered a leadership position. Accept this role, as it will bring out the best in you. If there's anything you enjoy, it's bringing order to chaos. Thanks to you, a company will generate strong profits. Negotiate a percentage of these earnings.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to break away from a family tradition. Your decision will radically change the course of your private life. Instead of living in the place where you grew up, you'll move to an area that affords a totally different lifestyle. Spending more private time on your calling will be rewarding. It doesn't matter if you're building a web site, cultivating spiritual enlightenment or writing your own music. The important thing is to devote the lion's share of your energy into your life's purpose.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Instead of carrying out a tradition that makes you uncomfortable or unhappy, you'll create your own ritual. Don't be afraid to turn your back on the values with which you were raised. Now you're older, you can develop your own set of principles. A relationship with a relative or neighbour gives you courage. Thanks to this friend, you'll be able to express yourself more freely. Suppressing your emotions to make others feel comfortable is no longer an option.

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