
You're determined to get ahead in your career, even if job opportunities are few and far between. Watch your temper when seeking new positions. An authority figure could make a thoughtless remark that makes you really angry. By containing your rage and challenging their statement in a friendly way, you'll gain the upper hand. It may be necessary to take a job that pays on a commission basis. Don't worry; you'll make good money through such an arrangement.

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You're excited to broaden your horizons through travel. Don't give in to your fears. Yes, you'll be in a strange land where you won't speak the native language, but so what? You'll be able to communicate your basic needs. Plus, you'll learn how resourceful you really are. When you're forced to come up with solutions to difficult problems, you can be quite creative. A business or romantic partnership will lend some much needed stability to your life.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You feel strongly about a financial alliance, and can't contain your emotions any longer. A business or romantic partner who is spending resources in an irresponsible fashion needs to be confronted. You don't like drawing attention to people's mistakes, but if this situation continues, there won't be any money left in the till. A friend will ask you for a loan. Be ready to refuse, even if you long to offer help. You've got to protect your own interests.

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If there's anything you can't stand, it's vulgar behaviour. You've got a great sense of humour, but don't like being embarrassed in public. If someone's coarse language is starting to embarrass you, have a private conversation. Your tactful handling of this situation will bring an end to it. An angry authority figure will put unfair demands on you. Be prepared to stand up for your rights, even if it means falling out of favour. Your colleagues will respect your brave stance.

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You'll get plenty of work done, provided you refuse to be intimidated by a disapproving expert. Don't alter your methods just to win their approval. You work on instinct, while your teacher takes more of a logical approach to work. If you don't give ground, you'll eventually gain the respect of the people around you. Taking a calculated risk will pay off handsomely. Use any winnings to take an exciting holiday. Visiting a spiritual centre will be an uplifting experience.

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You're facing an important choice, and it's fun weighing the options. Launching a creative project will be a great use of your restless energy. Working with your hands helps release tension. It also allows you to create things of beauty that fill you with pride. You're a perfectionist who will practice and practice until you get the result you want. If you're feeling an ache or pain, you may want to take up a relaxation technique as a means to control it.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Sticking close to home is reassuring. Your family understands you need extra support. A business or romantic partnership is putting great strain on you. You always want to keep the peace, but it's not always possible. If someone is trying to push you into a decision, you react badly. Look to an older relative for advice. Their words of wisdom will give you the courage to stand in your own defence. Nobody has the right to take advantage of your good nature.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're ready to abandon yourself to fun, after dealing with a great deal of family drama. Heading off on holiday will clear your head and lift your spirits. It may be a struggle to get time off from work, but stand your ground. You've always been the most reliable worker on the team, and shouldn't be penalised for it. Are you unemployed? Stop pressuring yourself to get a job. The right position will arrive at the perfect time.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Getting your surroundings in some semblance of order is important to your psychological health. You have a cavalier attitude towards housekeeping, but there comes a point when even you have to straighten up. Take a few moments to clear out the clutter, clean up the mess, and put papers into their proper files. If you're overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling a chaotic space, hire a cleaning service. It will be money well spent, and you'll become much more productive when things are tidy.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're very emotional and spontaneous when you're with family. People who know you from work would be very surprised to see you on the home front. You're extremely sentimental behind the scenes. Helping a relative with financial difficulties gives you a sense of pride. You've always been a hard worker who has sought to create security for you and your loved ones. If you're looking for work, reach out to an older friend who has experience in your desired industry.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trust your intuition when it comes to money matters. You have an exciting business opportunity that will help you make a handsome profit from working behind the scenes. Shocking news about a friend or neighbour reaches your ears, making you realise you've been preoccupied with professional matters. Bring the focus back to your personal life. Friends and family are poised to help you through a difficult romantic situation. Listen to pointers from a loved one who has always enjoyed a luscious love life.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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In many ways, you are closer to your friends than you are to relatives. It's because you're a very creative spirit who needs positive affirmations. Many of your family members mean well, but they don't have any idea what it requires to lead an artistic life. They're so focused on practical matters they sometimes say hurtful things about your creative process. Turn a deaf ear to these ignorant remarks. If you're facing a crossroads, ask a respected friend who appreciates your dreams for the future.

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