
An intimate relationship gives you a new lease on life. Instead of settling for second best, you'll be determined to land a plum position. Apply for an intriguing job in your desired industry. Although you lack the desired experience, you possess impressive abilities that will make you a top candidate. Be willing to undergo an extensive interview process. Your future employer is determined to find the right person for this job. Stay upbeat, optimistic and focused. An offer will arrive when you least expect it.

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Things are going extremely well in your personal life. It feels like you and your best friend are working in perfect sync. This is a great time to collaborate on a project, set mutual goals or hold each other accountable. Having the love and support of someone who wants the best for you is empowering. Instead of getting discouraged at the first sign of trouble, you'll be even more determined to reach your destination. Your other half will have good advice on overcoming challenges and obstacles.

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Work prospects are improving, which strengthens your health. When you wake up with a sense of purpose, your system is energised. Break a bad habit that developed while your schedule was free. Preparing nutritious meals, taking regular exercise and getting enough sleep will have tremendous benefits. You'll not only have energy for your job, but for fun activities after hours. Don't be surprised when the passion returns to your love life. Your sensual side always resurfaces when you feel well.

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Love is in the air. Arrange a special outing for you and your amour. If it's been too long since your last holiday, visit a seaside resort together. You'll have a wonderful time reconnecting in beautiful surroundings. Do your best to stay off mobile devices while you're away. It isn't healthy to be checking your mobile every few seconds. Breaking this habit will improve all your relationships. Are you single? Bringing your attention to the present moment will attract admirers at every turn.

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Spending time at home is rewarding. It is a relief to put your feet up and let your hair down. Instead of pressing yourself to catch up on errands, enjoy some leisurely domestic pursuits. Cook up a pot of soup, bake a catch of bread or simply treat yourself to a movie marathon. Invite your relatives to participate. Everybody is so busy with work, school, college or family duties. It's sometimes necessary to stop the clock for bringing the group together to talk, laugh and exchange ideas.

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Catching up on your correspondence will relieve anxiety. Take a few hours to sort through your inbox, return phone calls and answer text messages. It will also help to check your bank balance and pay some bills. Once you're caught up with these daily duties, your natural vitality will soar. The prospect of setting goals won't fill you with dread. You'll be more inclined to go out and have fun with friends after hours. Best of all, you'll stop feeling so overwhelmed when small emergencies develop.

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Treat yourself to a few luxuries. Splashing out on fashionable items for your wardrobe will give you a lift. This is also a good time to buy a new mobile device. You have always had a deep appreciation for style and function. Choosing items with flair will be a great way to show your impeccable taste. If your budget is tight, take this opportunity to ask for a pay rise, but remember, with extra cash will come extra responsibility. Getting paid what you are worth will make your confidence soar.

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You're more passionate than ever. It will be impossible to contain your feelings. Do you have a romantic partner? Sweep them into your arms and enjoy an intimate interlude. Are you single? Wear your heart on your sleeve. Court the object of your affection in an old-fashioned way. Instead of casually suggesting hanging out together, propose a formal date. Put some care and thought into the proceedings. The trouble you take will make a good impression.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Enjoying some private time is critical to your health. Even a social butterfly like you must occasionally turn your attention inward. Take the day off and visit a quiet hideaway that fills you with pleasure. Walking through the park, visiting a garden or strolling through a museum will have a therapeutic effect. Do you have a favourite pet? Take time out of your busy schedule to reconnect. Their unconditional love will remind you what is truly important.

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A group activity will lift your spirits. You tend to become consumed by work. When this happens, you forget your social obligations. Friends feel hurt and neglected. You fall off guest lists. Big news escapes your attention and you're left feeling isolated. Don't let this happen now, when so many of your friends are experiencing exciting changes. Leave work on time and attend a big party. You'll feel tired at first, but you'll catch your second wind as soon as you walk through the door.

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You put your heart and soul into work. The results are impressive. Don't be surprised when your employer gives you a top-secret assignment. You're the only one who can be trusted with such sensitive information. By keeping your activities under wraps, you'll pave the way for tremendous success. The dramatic unveiling of a new product or service will generate lots of favourable publicity. It will also result in a promotion. Working behind the scenes is necessary before moving into a more prominent role.

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Expanding your knowledge of a fascinating subject will be empowering. Visit the library and check out a variety of books. You'll cobble together some valuable information that puts you on a new path. A beginner's course will lead to a long series of classes. The more you study, the bigger your social network will become. You'll make friends who not only share your interests, but have similar values and priorities. This will be the biggest dividend of all.

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