
An incident turns your thoughts to the future and the choices you have to make. Changes are being considered; weigh up all the pros and cons first. Until you know you've made the right decision, stick to what you're used to. The time is not yet right to put new plans into action. Once a decision has been made that makes you happy without hurting anyone else, you'll know in your heart the time to act has arrived and you must swing into action.

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Your success shows you can do anything when you turn your mind to it. This proves you have the ability to be a winner. A sudden awareness of the pressure you've recently been under also makes you realise how mentally and physically exhausted you feel. A little relaxation mixed with a little exercise can help you handle stress; the more fun the activity in the evening, the more good it is likely to do you.

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There are some who will take advantage of your friendly nature; be sure to look after your own interests. If someone's being manipulative and scheming, you would do better to keep them at arm's length. On the other hand, if a person is coming to you because they're unable to contend with the everyday routines without help and they really do need some advice, you will no doubt be glad to help. Be discriminating about who you mix with today.

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Experiencing loss or disappointment makes it difficult for you to find pleasure in activities you normally enjoy. Something you looked forward to may seem flat, lack lustre and tedious even though you might feel that if you were a little brighter in yourself, you'd be enjoying it like everyone else. Don't let a recent quarrel or career setback get you down. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and be ready to start all over again.

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Be realistic and honest about your future goals and what you can offer others in terms of time and assistance. You need to lay down some very clear boundaries as this will give you more confidence in the future, when you have to say 'No' and mean it. The more adventurous your thoughts, the greater your perspective on life. Widen your horizons a wee bit; introduce yourself to a well travelled newcomer.

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Don't be concerned about what the rest of the world says about you; make your choices to suit yourself. People who criticise or pass judgment on your actions today, could well be out of your life tomorrow, or at least, in the future. Why make decisions to keep others happy when it goes against your conscience? It isn't worth going out of your way to please some people when all the benefit is for them and you get nothing out of it.

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If you feel a partner is neglecting you and loneliness is the result, you need to talk this over. Although you can't rely on someone for your own happiness and it's healthy for you to get hobbies of your own, if you're half of a duo, you should expect to spend some quality time together. Discontent cannot exist in harmony or equilibrium. For your relationship to survive, you need to be honest with each other.

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Your mind is working overtime at the moment and perhaps you should spend today putting your thoughts in order. If you do this, the rest of the week will feel more balanced, allowing you to focus more on the way forward instead of regurgitating the past. It won't do you any harm to have a full day of self-indulgence. Those around you might not like it but they'll benefit too when there's a smile back on your face.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Despite trying to get someone to pull themselves out of a depressive mood, they still seem very down. Maybe the root of their problem lies in some discontent you have no control over. Whether they're having relationship problems or they have a job they detest, the only way they're going to feel happy is to help themselves. Find out what's bothering them, tell them it doesn't have to be that way and suggest ways to make things better.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It always makes you feel good to reach the end of a task knowing you have performed it to the best of your ability. Take some time to pause, check things out and give yourself a pat on the back. It will be satisfying too, to receive compliments from those in positions above you, should the work you're doing today be related to your profession. Searching for lost items in your home will only frustrate and confuse you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Discussing a subjective topic means opinions will vary and no one person is right. In fact someone you're spending time with seems so off putting in their views it upsets more than one of your friends. Being able to shake off negative events and comments and move on means accepting some people will never see the good in any situation. Also understand this may be their way, but it's not yours.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone's insensitivity might cause upset or offence and their defensive attitude afterwards will only rub salt into the wound. Emotionally, you feel drained as you pick up on the negative vibrations around you. You fully intend to do all you can to nip certain rumours in the bud. Problems over finances are likely; chances are you and your partner have very different ideas about money.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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