
You're so wrapped up in your private life that you fail to see what's necessary at work. If a colleague gives you a wake-up call, don't take it as an insult; simply rise to the challenge. Acting defensive will only draw suspicion your way. Keep your "to do" list reasonably small; this isn't a time to take on gargantuan challenges.

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A friend's attitude seems frivolous and wasteful, and you're tempted to tell them so. Consider whether your disapproval has its roots in jealousy. Ultra-responsible people like you are quick to find fault when others don't seem to pull an adequate load. Maybe the solution is to take time off to enjoy life. It would make for a nice change!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You've reached a crossroad with regard to your career, and are uncertain how to proceed. Resist the urge to solve this problem today. This will only cause you to make decisions out of fear. Spend some time on a hobby you enjoy. This will allow your creative side to relax and take over. That's the aspect of your personality you need to rely on now.

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You finally get the green light to proceed with a project, but something is holding you back. Maybe it's a fear that the past will repeat itself some way. When you give in to such anxieties, you give your power away to the very people who want to vanquish you. Throw caution to the wind and advance. If you mess up, who cares? You can always try again.

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A financial project is finally coming together, allowing you to turn your attention elsewhere. Spending more private time with the one you love should be your number one priority. If that means hiring a babysitter more often, or spending less time at work, so be it. You can't expect love to flourish when you're never around.

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A clash of egos with an authority figure could make it difficult to get ahead; maybe it's time to develop your listening skills. Although you are undeniably bright, you have a tendency to steamroller over folks who are less able than you. This behaviour casts a shadow on your reputation. Do your utmost to change the public's perception of you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You've got big ideas, but they won't come to fruition until you take care of the little details. Do whatever research and paperwork you need before presenting your thoughts to an authority figure. You've always been high on ideas, but low on delivery. This is your big chance to reverse this trend. Don't let yourself down.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Claiming ignorance about certain behaviour at home is a poor excuse for neglect. Spend more time with your relatives, especially young ones who look up to you. Activities that encourage conversation can break down the barriers between you. Instead of going to the movies, suggest a game of cards or a walk through the park.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Fear of commitment is driving a wedge between you and somebody you love. Although your fears may be justified, your actions are causing some confusion. Don't say that you're tired of a certain kind of behaviour, than do your best to bring it about. Honour your commitments, follow up on your promises, and be honest about your needs.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your tendency to express yourself in extremes causes others to brush off your gloom-filled warnings. If you really want to put your point across, outline your concerns in a forthright, friendly manner. Colleagues will be more receptive when you present yourself as a concerned citizen rather than a professional worrywart.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your demands probably will not be met, and it's no wonder with the attitude you've adopted! You can't just expect wishes to be handed to you on a silver platter; you have to earn them. If that means putting in more hours at work, getting a second job, or earning a certificate, so be it. In the meantime, see what you can do to serve others.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Family members seem to be blocking your progress, and you just want to scream with frustration. Instead of turning your relatives into scapegoats, consider how you've helped to create this problem. Perhaps you aren't as forceful as you need to be when it comes to pushing your agenda. Start standing up for yourself, even if means inviting a fight.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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