
Studying a subject that is close to your heart could result in a marvellous personal transformation. You're no longer content to follow a predictable path. Exploring new territory and experimenting with radical ideas will give you a whole new lease on life. Friends will be startled by the changes you make, but they'll ultimately support them. Everyone will want to discover the source of your inner glow.

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Dealing with sensitive issues like joint finances, wills, insurance, and taxes is imperative. You work hard for your money, and should do everything in your power to protect it. Once you've created safety measures for your income, you can breathe a little easier. Sometimes these issues seem shrouded in mystery. That's only because you don't have enough knowledge about them. Taking a course in managing personal finances will make all the difference.

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Joining forces with a business or romantic partner will increase your stature considerably because you'll be free to come up with fresh concepts while your colleagues and friends cope with more mundane matters. Don't make the mistake of taking your mate for granted, though. By offering your friend praise, encouragement, and thanks, your union will thrive, allowing you to take on bigger and better projects. Keep up the positive reinforcement.

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Improving your health through careful attention to diet, sleep, and exercise makes you feel reborn. You're starting to have more energy to do the things you love. Of course, you shouldn't have to give up the occasional dessert or evening out. Still, it's a wise idea to exercise moderation most of the time. Resist the urge to load down your schedule with busy work. You've got to make leisure a bigger priority.

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Becoming more romantic helps you to withstand outside pressures more easily. You're not the type of person who can thrive in a humdrum environment. Filling your home and work spaces with rich colours, fresh flowers, and sensual textures will remind you that life is meant to be enjoyed. Don't be surprised if you attract several new admirers. It's hard to resist somebody who is so in tune with their sensual side.

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Clearing the clutter from your home helps you realise the full extent of your personal power. Let go of items that depress, frustrate, or bewilder you. These possessions are draining you of valuable energy. Besides, you could probably make quite a bit of money from these things by holding a giant sale. Once all the junk has been cleared from your life, you'll begin to see new possibilities that were previously obscured.

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Writing can be a powerful exercise for you right now, especially considering your intellectual gifts. Your charming exterior often masks your sharp, yet often frustrated, intelligence. Now you're being given an opportunity to show that you've got brains as well as beauty. Feel free to start a diary, embark on a novel, or begin a collection of essays. Whatever form your scribbling takes, it is sure to be compelling.

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There's never been a better time to create a budget that will increase your wealth. By spending your money mindfully, you'll be able to afford those luxuries that once seemed elusive. You might even be able to buy a dream house. The key is setting a goal, and then putting steps in place to realise it. The little sacrifices you'll have to make along the way will seem minor once you see your savings grow.

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You're able to express yourself with power and conviction, which inspires confidence. All of a sudden, people who were sceptical of your talents will express admiration for them. Getting a loan, starting a business, or launching a publicity campaign are all favoured. Winning an elusive love interest's heart is also a strong possibility. Take advantage of your charm while it's at full power; the rewards will be incredible.

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You're starting to gain insight to subconscious motivations, which is both scary and exciting. Now that you understand why you do things a certain way, you can either change or improve your methods. This is particularly helpful in cultivating loving relationships. You won't feel the need to pursue nasty types as a means of affirming certain beliefs about yourself. Start seeking out supportive people who appreciate and support your talents.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Becoming a member of a group gives you the power to pursue personal goals. Although you may have to make a few concessions along the way, it's better than abandoning this dream altogether. Be sure to mix with people who have a positive outlook. You don't want to do battle with pessimists who are constantly telling you why projects won't work or how you are destined to fail. Stay close to fellow idealists.

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Finding new and innovative ways to put your name before the public is advised. Normally, you are content to work behind-the-scenes, helping less talented people rise to the top with your assistance. Now the planets are giving you a chance to profit from all of your hard work. Don't be afraid to spend some of your own money on advertisements, publicity kits, and business cards. Such investments will pay off well into the future.

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