
Beware of promising more than you can deliver, or you'll disappoint a close associate. Although you are famous for working hard, you are still only human. Some assignments are challenging, and others are just unrealistic. It's your job to know the difference. Never fear; other opportunities will come your way. In the meantime, let somebody else worry about unrealistic deadlines while you relax this weekend.

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Covering up a colleague's bad behaviour could backfire on you. Try not to implicate yourself in this shadowy situation. If someone asks you a direct question, you should be honest. It's also important to hold relatives and house mates to their promises. A person who has been shirking their duties needs to be taken to task, even at the risk of creating disharmony. Enforce the rules so that you won't be burdened with all the work.

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As much as you hate to do it, you'll have to rain on a friend's parade. This person is advocating behaviour that could get you in trouble. It's not worth risking your reputation for the sake of a pal's approval. And while your refusal may put strain on this relationship, that's better than going against your conscience. A child's angry outburst is really a cry for attention. Get to the root of the matter.

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You get more gratification from your public life than your private one. Maybe that's because your colleagues appreciate your creative side, while your relatives are uncomfortable with this aspect of your personality. Sometimes you feel as though you are leading a double life. Integration is possible, provided you are willing to defend your interests to people who make light of them. You shouldn't have to apologise for being talented.

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Tolerance is a word that is thrown around a lot these days, but you don't really embrace its concept. You've always had deep feelings about religion, philosophy and politics. Why should you pretend to endorse ideas that seem repugnant to you? That being said, you may want to learn more about ways of life that rub you the wrong way. It's possible that the more you know, the less offensive such concepts will be.

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You may be tempted to have sex as a means to get someone's approval. Such an impulse is entirely understandable, but it stems from low self confidence. The sooner you learn to love yourself, the less important it will be to please others. The next time you feel the urge to go against your feelings for the sake of somebody else, stop. Find a way to meet your own needs instead.

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If you're tired of relying on others to make you happy, some changes are necessary. You've been blessed with tremendous intellectual and artistic ability. By developing these gifts through classes and creative projects, you'll take the pressure off your loved ones. At first, people may feel a little threatened by your newly independent ways. Don't let that throw you off your stride. It takes courage to follow your star.

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Beware of falling prey to a hard luck story, as it is probably padded with lies. You've always had sympathy for underdogs, which is admirable. However, opportunists often pose as victims in the hope that some soft-hearted person like you will lend assistance. Pour all of your energy on improving your own situation. This can be done by performing spiritually rewarding rituals like prayer, meditation and yoga.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A lover or child could take advantage of your generosity today. It's important to lay down the law, or you'll be setting a very dangerous precedent. Looking the other way at bad behaviour makes you an enabler. Do you really want to bear that burden? One of the reasons people love you is that you are fair and honest. Live up to this reputation today, even if it means keeping someone in line.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not feeling particularly ambitious today, preferring to keep a low profile at home. This is perfectly understandable, considering what an overachiever you are at work. Devote some quality time to your friends and family. Eating a large, delicious meal together will make you feel grounded and centred. It's been weeks since you've experienced such warmth. Don't deprive yourself any longer.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may find yourself agreeing with ideas or arrangements that you secretly despise. That's because you're intimidated by a respected expert who seems to know more than you do. Actually, your instincts are right on target. By expressing your beliefs, you will get the respect of others who share your misgivings. It takes courage to defy authority figures. Summon yours for the sake of the group.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You envy people who seem to make money with no effort at all. Actually, these people have just as much talent and know-how as you. It's just that they are willing to take risks that you are not. Changing your circumstances means making a leap of faith. Even if your initial efforts fail, you'll still gain valuable experience. That's better than spending the rest of your life wondering if you could have had success.

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