
Arguing over minor details is a waste of valuable time. It may be better to give in to someone's demands. People won't think you are weak for compromising. They'll know you're doing the best you can with a difficult situation. Some people don't listen to reason. You're dealing with one of them. The sooner you get away from this troublemaker, the better. Let a good friend comfort you with a night on the town. You've earned the right to some fun.

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You're extremely productive. Zipping through a long list of chores makes you feel happy and virtuous. Take this opportunity to tackle a job that has filled you with anxiety. You'll be surprised at how easily you dispatch this job. Let this be a lesson moving forward. The more you dread an activity, the harder it becomes. The best tool in your possession is a positive attitude. Are you looking for a job? Your best friend or romantic partner will give you a good lead.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're a born storyteller. One of your favourite things in the world is to hold an audience spellbound with an interesting story. Take this opportunity to put one of your favourite tales on paper. Don't be surprised when someone expresses romantic interest in you. You're never more attractive than when you are spinning magical tales. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour will give you a beautiful token of their appreciation. Be sure to express your thanks.

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Trust your intuition about a contract. If you think you can get better terms, ask for them. You might decide to walk away from a deal based on your gut feeling about a potential business partner. It's important to steer clear of underhanded, manipulative people. A chance to help a relative will fall into your lap. Paying for someone's tuition or providing the deposit for a car will give you great pleasure. You want nothing but the best for your loved ones.

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Don't get drawn into an emotional argument. When you are asked to make a choice, draw on logic. If you stick to the facts, nobody can accuse you of having clouded judgement. Someone will try to lay a guilt trip on you. Do not back down from your position. Continue to make a case for earning more money, needing additional resources or requiring more time to finish a project. Eventually, all of your demands will be met and you will walk away the victor.

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You're not afraid of hard work. When faced with a challenge, you'll focus on overcoming it. Putting in long hours and making personal sacrifices won't bother you. Are you looking for a job? You'll be able to land a good position involving property, advertising or public relations. Be sure to emphasise your work ethic during a job interview. A potential employer is looking for someone who can be trusted to handle a variety of responsibilities. You're the perfect candidate.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're much more decisive than usual. Move forward with your agenda, even if you lack support. Having the courage of your convictions will win the respect of both your peers and superiors. This is also a good time to sign a contract. If you're not happy with the terms you are originally offered, negotiate a better deal. You'll be able to get exactly what you want, thanks to your diplomatic skills. A brilliant idea for a product, service or phone app will make you a great deal of money.

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Indulging your love of art, music and beauty will make your spirit soar. Put work on the back burner. You've always had a tendency to accept more than your fair share of responsibility. Take this opportunity to rest. Solitary pleasures will recharge your batteries. Get some help in so you can take a nap, work on a creative project or even just get a massage. Nobody will begrudge you for enjoying some time off. Your nearest and dearest will applaud this decision.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're a good judge of character. When you have a positive feeling about someone, put your trust in them. Working alongside an intelligent, responsible person will raise your professional stature. Your colleague will be gifted at attending to small details while you focus on the big picture. When the two of you join forces, you can create affordable products and services that benefit the whole community. You could also preside over a successful fundraiser.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your excellent memory is helpful at work. You're able to recall the small details others forget. When you remember encountering difficulty with a previous job, you'll find a way to avoid the problem with subsequent assignments. This talent is worth its weight in gold. Take this opportunity to demand a raise or promotion. If you have your own business, think about expanding your holdings. Opening another location or offering more products and services will dramatically increase your earnings.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A deep interest in a subject will prompt you to take an in-depth course. Studying with a talented teacher will make you excited about the future. The prospect of having a career in a field you love is strong. Focus on getting terrific marks. Once you get an advanced degree, you'll be able to land a position in your desired field. You may have to start at the bottom, but that's better than having a high powered position doing something you dislike.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's important to be brutally honest with a delusional loved one. Your words will cause a temporary separation, but that may be a good thing. You have better things to do than prop up somebody's ego. Are you single? Embrace your freedom. Being able to do what you want, when you want is a wonderful gift. The right partner will come along when you are ready. Don't waste valuable time yearning for your ideal life. You have everything you need right now.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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