
It's important to be honest about where you went wrong in a relationship. Your 'Me First' attitude took its toll on your best friend or romantic partner. If you're going to have a successful union, you must occasionally defer to your other half. It's also important to make kind gestures without being prompted. By doing nice things without expecting anything in return, you'll pave the way for a long-lasting union. Are you hoping for a reunion? Hold off. Work on yourself instead.

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Resist the temptation to isolate yourself. The fastest way to recover from a disappointment is to turn to your support network. Caring friends will give you the praise and encouragement you need to make a fresh start. Staying home alone will cause you to fall victim to obsessive thoughts. Instead of reviewing where you went wrong, make plans. Think about where you'd like to be this time next year. You can reach this goal with a little help from your friends.

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Just because you've suffered a setback doesn't mean you should give up. Give yourself a chance to grieve your disappointment in private. Resist the temptation to complain about the situation in public. People will be more likely to lend their support when you exhibit grace under pressure. If you're tired or broke, don't feel pressured to snap back into action. Instead, be good to yourself. Slowly but surely, your confidence will return and you'll be back in the game again.

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You're pouring too much energy into your career. If you continue to drop everything for the sake of work, your family will suffer. Instead of coming home late, make a greater effort to return at the same time each day. When your loved ones realise you will be around more regularly, they'll put more trust in you. When you promise to attend recitals, games and performances, keep your word. Slowly but surely, your domestic life will become much more rewarding.

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It's important to accept the consequences of your actions. Instead of blaming someone else for an ongoing problem, take ownership of the issue. It's possible you've been too lenient with someone who crosses boundaries. You might have looked the other way at a colleague's bad behaviour. The sooner you admit the part you played in this disaster, the faster you'll be able to clean up the damage. There are people around you who are depending on you to shield them from the fallout.

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Don't put too much stock in conventional wisdom. Holding down a regular job doesn't suit your needs. It would be better for you to have a looser schedule. This may require you to take a pay cut or enter an industry that isn't as respectable as the one you currently occupy. Instead of worrying what others will think, seek to satisfy yourself. Running your own business is a distinct possibility. You'll have to work hard, but at least you will be able to set your own schedule.

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You're in a powerful position. Don't abuse it. Although you don't like someone in your social circle, you shouldn't try to get revenge. Petty behaviour will come back to haunt you. If you want to wield your influence, do it for the benefit for a large group. Think carefully of what the team would appreciate. By demonstrating care for the team, they'll repay you with loyalty and hard work. Do you have to make an unpopular decision? Minimise the damage by giving a detailed explanation for your thought process.

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It's time to confront your assumptions. Being insecure about an issue will cause you to repeatedly make the same mistake. Make it your mission to rewrite the script. Instead of assuming you'll never reach a certain level of prominence, expect to reach the top of your game. Have you had difficulty attracting love? Stop thinking of yourself as a romantic failure. Assume you will meet your soulmate when the time is right. Are you struggling with a creative project? Imagine what it will look like when perfectly executed.

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You feel discouraged and don't see a way out of a difficult situation. It's tempting to abandon a goal. Instead of obeying this impulse, rise to the challenge. You'll never forgive yourself for giving up at this stage of the game. If you fail to realise your dreams, you can take pride in your attempt. Playing it safe isn't your style. You'd rather look back on your life with no regrets. Both friends and rivals admire your courage. Try looking at yourself through their eyes.

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You won't move forward unless you change your approach to a problem. Instead of obeying your instincts, ask for advice. Talk with people you respect and take their advice seriously. If you continue to hear the same comments, it's a sign you should work on this area. Some remarks will hurt your feelings. Instead of lashing out, take deep breaths. Remember this is a learning opportunity. By rising to the challenge, you'll finally realise an elusive goal.

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It feels like you have lost control of an important situation. A legal decision may be rendered against you. An application could be rejected. It's possible a trip will be cancelled. Instead of trying to fight the power, work to accept the situation. Opportunities will arrive sooner than you expect. You want to be ready for them. This can't happen if you're thinking about what might have been. Into everyone's life a little rain will fall. You're no different from anybody else.

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Beating yourself up is not helpful. Admit an embarrassing mistake and try to do better. Just because you messed up doesn't mean you should wallow in shame. It may take time to regain someone's trust, so be patient. When you slip up, remember you are human. Instead of diving into a shame spiral, remain calm. Think of a time when someone was kind and compassionate to you. Duplicate this behaviour. When you're good to yourself, others will follow suit.

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