
Spending time with your loved ones will make you feel secure, settled and appreciated. It's important to connect with people who understand your strengths and weaknesses. They'll do everything possible to help you find love, success and happiness. If you're estranged from your family, build a support network of friends, colleagues and neighbours. These people will celebrate your victories and support you during times of trial. Don't insist on being self sufficient all the time.

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Sprucing up your surroundings is your first priority. It's hard for you to be productive in a drab, uninspiring office. Beautiful colours, tactile fabrics and engaging artwork can fuel your creativity. Thriving plants can also enliven a static office. If you don't have a window, you might want to invest in a lamp with a full spectrum bulb. This can keep your energy high, even when you want to take a nap. Good news about a family matter is music to your ears.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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More money for luxuries will become available. If you're overdue for a raise, ask for one. It will be virtually impossible to turn you down. Everyone knows you do the work of two people. Therefore, you should be paid more than rivals who don't perform as well. Don't discuss salary negotiations with any of your peers. This will cause jealousy and dissention. Be your own advocate and demand what you are worth. Landing a high paying job is also a possibility.

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Enhancing your looks will boost your confidence. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle, spa treatment or cosmetic procedure. Splashing out on toiletries, cologne and clothes is also advised. When you look good, you feel good. If you're looking for love, you should have no trouble finding it. People are receptive to your offbeat humour and tender heart. Are you already in a relationship? Don't be surprised when your partner gives you a beautiful gift. You are loved and appreciated.

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Someone will work behind the scenes to help you. This just shows that it pays to be kind and courteous. You never know who will be in the position to promote your interests. If you're in a relationship, don't discuss your partner's secrets with friends. Being a trusted confidante is critical to your mutual happiness. When someone pesters you for juicy stories, tell them to go away. Make it clear you won't feed their need for gossip.

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Attending a big party or reunion will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy connecting with old friends and meeting new people. Someone who works in a glamorous industry may be especially interesting. If you play your cards right, this acquaintance could tip you off to an exciting job opening at their company. Of course, you'll have to submit a stellar application to get an interview. Knowing someone who works for the organisation helps, but you'll land this job on the strength of your talent.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You will receive an award, promotion or bonus. Your boss is impressed by your hard work and productivity. Now your professional star is rising, you will be able to land bigger and better work assignments. If you've been thinking of switching industries, this would be a good time to do so. Invest in a sophisticated suit that fits well. This will give you confidence during job interviews. Practice your communication skills with someone who has lots of experience hiring staff.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You feel a strong attraction to someone whose background is different from your own. It's fascinating to hear their stories about growing up in a foreign culture or land. The two of you may decide to collaborate on a creative project. It's also possible you will fall in love. Being in this attractive person's company makes you realise there are many options at your disposal. Just because you were raised a certain way doesn't mean you have to continue this lifestyle.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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This is a good time to apply for a loan, grant or scholarship. Be as detailed as possible when filling out forms. If you have a question about what kind of information is needed, don't hesitate to contact the institution in question. An official will be happy to lend assistance. Their job becomes easier when people submit the information they need. An inheritance or family heirloom could also be awarded to you. If you're given unwanted furniture, jewellery or artwork, offer it to another relative.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working with a partner will be productive and emotionally satisfying. It feels good to get feedback from someone who appreciates your talent and wants you to do well. Together, the two of you can produce some impressive work. If you're in a romantic relationship, think about launching a business with your amour. You can focus on the big picture, while your partner can attend to the day to day operations. Ventures involving art, entertainment and property may be especially profitable.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Enjoy some sensual pleasures. Dive into bed with your amour, get a massage or enjoy a gourmet meal. Splash out on a bottle of cologne or a silk shirt. Put a bouquet of fragrant flowers on your desk. Listen to some beguiling music. Soothing, pleasurable activities will boost your energy and give you an attractive glow. Don't be surprised when people ask if you've lost weight or changed your hairstyle. Nothing enhances the appearance like feeling great. Pamper yourself.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Love is in the air. It's easy to attract romantic attention wherever you go. Don't be surprised if a couple of admirers try to win your heart. If you're in the market for romance, let a relative set you up on a blind date. Your family has good instincts about who would make an ideal partner for you. Are you already in a relationship? Try not to make your amour jealous. A candlelit dinner will draw you closer together. Make plans for the future together.

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