
There are issues between you and a housemate you would like to see resolved sooner rather than later. Someone is becoming an expert in making excuses and avoiding you. You're inclined to force a showdown but this is not the answer. A situation needs gentle handling. In fact you might make a point of quietly observing everything going on around you before speaking your mind. You just might change it!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You might want to keep up to date on what is happening in your neighbourhood. A friend or neighbour could be having a difficult time and they will be glad of having someone to talk to. Dropping in to see them on your way home this evening will cheer them up. It is entirely possible you will be able to help them with a few matters they're having trouble with and this will brighten their mood considerably.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You are relying on your intuition to make inspired decisions but are they as brilliant as you imagine? It is entirely possible a dazzling idea could turn out to be a foolish and irrational impulse. For this reason, avoid acting on sudden whims today! Speculation of any kind is not a good idea. What you think is a genuine bargain is probably a fake. At least have an expert check things over before parting with your cash!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Deciding to include more fun in your life will help you combat negative emotions. Knowing you deserve to spend more time on pleasure gives you the energy and uplift to prompt other changes in how you live. You may for example inspire your partner to agree on exciting joint plans for the future. You are starting to take emotional responsibility for your life and you will like the feeling of confidence this inspires.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You know a friend or colleague only has themselves to blame if they complain that everyone is against them. This person may have been going out of their way recently to cause waves. There's quite a lot of bickering and back biting on the job scene and friction in the workplace could cause you some tension. On the other hand, it will be a good day for mixing with relatives, especially if you are looking for advice or favours.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Working as a team helps you get through a satisfying amount of work in the shortest possible time. Not only this but through working alongside people you don't know well, and taking note of their methods, and approach to the work, you will gain a better understanding of their nature. Encourage a team spirit in others. Even if you're at home you will enjoy some company around you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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An idea which jumps into your mind could make for a complete about turn in your professional situation. You feel this is something you should have done a long time ago. Although there is still some way to go, the future looks brighter without certain ties and commitments of the past. You don't feel bad about it at all: you won't mind tying up loose ends and terminating old conditions in preparation for better things to come.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You are sensitive to undercurrents around you and you will know it when someone tries to fool you. If a colleague or associate thinks they can impose their views on you, they don't know you very well. You might listen and ask plenty of questions but in the end you will make your own mind up about other people and contentious situations. No great excitement is forecast for the evening so why not take the chance to chill out while you can.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you are travelling today, double check details and make certain you have plenty of time for the journey. Getting an early start is an even better idea. Especially if you know a rival will be quick to step into your shoes if you don't appear where you ought to be at the designated time. Being organised will put you ahead of any competition and being early might give you the chance to have a quiet word with a VIP whose cooperation you could do with.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It might be up to you to fix a few problems today when friends and colleagues keep turning to you for help and advice. The benefits of being able to stay calm and composed when others are harassed will be all too apparent as the day wears on. A series of relatively minor but frustrating problems can be more easily resolved if you are sensible about it. Make a point of keeping those who panic at the slightest disturbance at arm's length!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There is no reason you should stay in a job or situation that is making you increasingly restless and uncomfortable. Rather than making a drastic change, you might find there are ways of improving your position in your current job or field. Taking on new responsibilities could help to develop new skills. On the job training leading to further qualifications is another possibility. Your employer might be willing to contribute to your tuition costs.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You take words of criticism too much to heart today; people aren't out to upset you even if sometimes it feels that way. You can keep relationships harmonious if you disregard any disapproving comments and treat them as being of no great concern to you. Someone who lacks your vision won't know what they are missing out on if they continue to rebuff your ideas; because you intend to continue, with or without their support!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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