
A delayed refund, inheritance or gift will finally be awarded to you. Use this windfall to buy something that appeals to your sensual side. A trip to the spa, a bottle of scent or a lovely piece of jewellery will soothe your jagged nerves. A heart to heart discussion with your business or romantic partner will be enlightening. You'll realise where the source of your disagreements rest. By meeting in the middle, you can put these quarrels behind and restore the harmony to your union.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Have you been quarrelling with your best friend or romantic partner? Extend an olive branch. Your other half will be eager to make things up. You're both stubborn and feel things deeply. Never let your ego get in the way of having a happy relationship. You gravitate to a clever person who can articulate their feelings very clearly. Getting in touch with your own emotions will allow you to abandon some habits that no longer serve you. Get ready to embark on a more rewarding life.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Health problems are starting to ease. It feels wonderful to have your energy restored. Take this opportunity to enjoy a sport or physical activity that you were forced to put aside. Moving your body will set your imagination on fire. If you've been looking for work, you'll get at least one fabulous offer. This job isn't for the faint hearted; it will draw on your emotional reserves. You prefer this kind of job than one you can perform in your sleep.

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After a prolonged creative block, you'll have a breakthrough. Put your mundane responsibilities aside and devote all your attention to a story, film, design or painting. Your imagination will flow like a mighty river. Flexing your artistic muscles gives you an attractive glow. Your ideas and insights attract lots of romantic attention. If you're single, take this opportunity to embark on a romance with someone who makes you weak in the knees. Do you have a partner? Go away together for a passionate interlude.

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Having the courage of your convictions allows you to make an important decision. Moving to another home, ending a toxic relationship or starting a family are among the possibilities. You have enormous emotional intelligence. Let it be your guiding light. If you're not happy with where you live, start looking for a new home. You'll find a lovely place in a secluded area that appeals to your sentimental side. A generous relative could help you with the deposit. This move will be transformative.

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After a long period of negotiations, you've finally hit upon an arrangement that works for everyone involved. Go ahead and sign a contract. This deal will pave the way to long-term financial security. Having the means to buy a home, car or both is possible. Taking a course will bring the intellectual stimulation you crave. The subject doesn't have to be related to your career. It would be best if you study something that has nothing to do with the way you make money.

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Annoying financial delays have come to an end. A steady stream of money will be flowing into your bank account. Put aside a percentage of these earnings into a saving scheme. Having an economic cushion will give you more personal and professional freedom. You have a gift for marketing yourself. If you don't have a website, now is the time to launch one. This will be a great resource for showcasing your work and cultivating business. If you can't design it yourself, hire a talented professional.

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After fine tuning a presentation for the past few weeks, you're ready to go public with it. People will be very receptive to these ideas. Instead of giving a dry, detached recitation of facts, you inject a great deal of passion and enthusiasm into this talk. Making some changes to your personal life will be liberating. Improving your diet, reading more books or starting an online blog are all ways to feel better. Stop filling your life with thankless responsibilities that make you angry and resentful.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You don't have enough reliable information to make an informed decision. When situations like this arise, you must rely on your instincts. Tune out all advice and turn your attention inward. After thinking about the matter for a few moments, you'll arrive at a decision. Spending time on your own will be refreshing. You've always had a deep connection to the natural world. Visiting a forest, mountain range or beach will fill you with joy. Give yourself this marvellous gift of escape.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Misplaced expectations about a friend will cause you to make some changes. Instead of looking to others to make you happy, you'll start satisfying yourself. Devoting more time to creative pursuits will make you less needy. Show your artistic side. Pursuing a childhood dream renews your zest for life. It's never too late to be immersed in sports, art or nature. There's more to life than work and making money. Scale back your professional ambitions for the sake of the activities you love best.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A rare opportunity to clarify misconceptions will arrive. Let down your defences and have an honest discussion with your employer. Talking about your hopes, disappointments and expectations will clear the air between you. At long last, you'll overcome some stubborn professional obstacles. People respect your ability to rely on facts to make your points. You never try to influence people through emotional blackmail. This is a relief to anyone who wants to do business in a straightforward way.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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After a period of indecision, you've become clear about what you want. Pursuing a degree, publishing some written work or taking a long-distance trip will become your focus. A few people will try to discourage you from this ambitious plan. Ignore their warnings. A friend who you've always admired will recommend a book, movie or music recording. You should explore this work; it will uplift and inspire you. Instead of suppressing your creative impulses, you'll feel compelled to share them. It's a good instinct.

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