
Money is coming in at a brisk rate, allowing you to indulge in some creature comforts. Buy something luxurious that you'll use daily. A new mattress, fluffy bath towels, soft bedsheets are the kind of luxuries yielding maximum returns. If anyone accuses you of being extravagant, laugh off their remarks. You work hard; it's only fair to enjoy the fruits of your labour. If you get a big raise or promotion, buy yourself a beautiful status symbol that will always remind you of this wonderful achievement.

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You'll be singled out for your artistic achievements. If someone asks you to teach a course, seize the opportunity. Not only will this be a good source of additional income, but the work also will bring emotional rewards. Sharing your insights with enthusiastic students will renew your own love of the subject. If you have a chance to take this group on an art tour, do it. You'll enjoy spending time with people who share your appreciation of painting, sculpture and architecture.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Building castles in the air is a wonderful use of your time. When people tease you for daydreaming, don't be embarrassed. Your vivid imagination is a superpower, not a liability. By allowing your mind to wander, you'll hit upon a wonderful idea for a story, song or design. You might even devise an invention that saves time, money and effort. These breakthroughs can't happen if you are working around the clock. Take a break. Put your feet up, let your hair down and let the magic unfold.

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Realising a heartfelt dream can happen with the help of your best friend or romantic partner. When you were growing up, relatives and teachers may have discouraged you from pursuing a powerful desire. A willingness to please others prompted you to follow their advice instead of listening to your heart. Now you are older, you have the power to go your own way. The good news is you won't have to undertake this journey alone. Someone who believes in your abilities is happy to accompany you.

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You make a wonderful impression wherever you go, exuding warmth, humour and charm wherever you go. Someone who admires your public image may offer you a high-profile job. Although the responsibilities will be great, you will enjoy this position. Going above and beyond the call of duty for clients will be very rewarding. With you as its representative, your employer's reputation will soar. They'll pay you handsomely for your contributions, allowing you to establish long-term financial security.

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You're ready to venture into the unknown, even if it means abandoning beliefs and ideas you've held for years. Opening your mind to different ways of life will put you on the path to romance. Don't be surprised if you fall in love with someone whose background is radically different from yours. Do you already have a partner? Your amour will support the changes you are undergoing. If that means adopting a more loving, compassionate attitude, your other half will be all for it.

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A close relationship gives you the courage to break a bad habit. Undergoing rehabilitation for an addiction, launching a fitness programme or working with a counsellor are all ways you can build a happier, healthier future. Dealing with persistent problems will make you a more loving and present partner. Instead of being totally focused on your own problems, you'll be able to give more freely to your friends, relatives and romantic partner. Evaluate where you are, pinpoint trouble spots and undergo a transformation.

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Lean on your best friend or romantic partner for support. You're forming a bold plan that fills you with fear and excitement. That's natural; venturing into the unknown is intimidating. Intellectually, you understand this change must occur for you to grow. Emotionally, you're clinging to the status quo, telling yourself it's better to stay with what you know. When you can't move forward, ask your other half to give you a push. They'll be happy to spur you into action, prodding you to the finish line.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Finding a way to be of service to others will be enriching, both emotionally and financially. Instead of assuming what will make people comfortable, ask them how you can help. You'll get some surprising answers. By showing respect for the needs of friends, colleagues and relatives, you'll forge much closer relationships with them. Are you performing random acts of kindness for strangers? Don't be surprised when this activity becomes addictive. Shining light into the world's darkest corners is one of your life's purposes.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're ready to make a bold expression of love. Pouring your feelings into a creative project will be liberating. You're tired of bottling up your emotions. Whether you show this work to the object of your affection or not is unimportant. The critical thing is to use this surge of energy as a springboard to bigger and better things. This can include a romantic relationship, spiritual journey or career in the arts. Get ready to undergo a profound transformation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Relinquish your independent ways for the sake of love. If you already have a partner, try to forge a stronger bond with your amour. Don't be so quick to wave away their offers of help. Be more physically affectionate. Show your appreciation regularly. Relying on someone doesn't make you weak; it's a sign of maturity. We're here to help one another. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a spiritual retreat, house of worship or cultural event. Being pursued by an admirer will make your confidence soar.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Developing a creative project with a group will be rewarding. You'll get valuable feedback from accomplished artists. At first, their remarks will make you despondent. You hate the idea of starting over. Give yourself a few minutes to grieve, then get back to work. This fresh attempt will be much more successful. You're on the way to being recognised in your desired field. The harder you work, the higher your star will rise. It's worth the effort; keep going.

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