
If there's anything you hate, it's when someone accuses you of being childish. As far as you're concerned, your youthful energy is one of your best qualities. You have no intention of taking life too seriously and that's admirable. It is important to deal with disappointment in a constructive manner. When things don't go your way, remain calm. Accept the fact you are not always going to get your way. Try to enact a compromise if that's possible. Adults have their strong points, too.

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Beware of coming on too strong. You've always had deep desires. This passion has helped you achieve great things. Sometimes it's wiser to give people a chance to make up their own mind than impose your will on them. Whether you're interested in pursuing a romance, want to land a job or are intent on signing a contract is immaterial. The important thing is to state your desire, make your case and then back off. If you get an immediate rejection, graciously accept the decision.

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Although you enjoy a healthy debate, you don't like dealing with anyone who is disrespectful of your opinions. Resist the temptation to get drawn into an argument on social media with someone who is insulting. You'll never change their opinion and they have no intention of listening to yours. There are much better ways to spend your time. For instance, this would be a great opportunity to continue working on a creative project that is close to your heart.

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Dealing with someone who never gets upset is unnerving. You're a very emotional person who has no trouble saying what you feel. Someone close to you who rarely lets down their defences makes you nervous. Finding a way to connect will be challenging. You prefer to lead with your heart, while your amour trusts their head. If you're able to articulate what's bothering you, they'll try to express their affection. Meeting in the middle will take practice, so be patient.

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When someone neglects your needs, you have no trouble speaking up. You're not the type to maintain a relationship with someone who isn't worthy of your affection. There is a difference between being preoccupied and being indifferent. If you think your friend is simply wrapped up in their own problems, give them a gentle reminder of your presence. Are you dealing with someone who is utterly self-obsessed? Look elsewhere for companionship. You can do better.

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A relative will break a promise to you, which makes you very angry. You've always been diligent on delivering goods and services in a timely manner. When others don't return the favour, you become resentful. It's possible you are setting up your relative for failure. Some people are hopeless about time management. In the future, when you need something by a particular date, ask a more responsible person for help. There's no point putting your faith in someone who can't keep deadlines.

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It bothers you when people don't put any effort into their appearance at work. Although this offends your sensibilities, it's best to keep silent on this issue. You never know what kind of stress your colleagues are experiencing at work. Instead of criticising someone's work or appearance, it will probably be more effective to put yourself in their position. Think how you would feel and react if you had to deal with some of the issues they might be having to put up with on a daily basis.

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It's time to establish strong boundaries with someone who keeps invading your space. Privacy has always been important to you. Other people have different levels of comfort regarding this issue. Don't assume that someone who gets too close is trying to intimidate you. Instead, simply state you prefer to keep people at arm's length for your own physical comfort. It shouldn't be necessary to give a more detailed explanation. Reasonable people will respect your request.

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You have a naturally upbeat attitude. That's why you are irritated by naysayers and cynics. As far as you're concerned, these people make their own bad luck. Unfortunately, it won't be possible to steer clear of a colleague who is always predicting disaster. Therefore, you will have to make the best of a bad situation. Offering pep talks won't help; some individuals are intent on being miserable. Your only course of action is to remain civil and part ways as quickly as possible.

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You automatically become defensive when asked personal questions. You feel uncomfortable about baring your soul to casual acquaintances. Many times, this causes people to accuse you of being overly suspicious. This is not true. You simply prefer drawing a firm line between your personal and public lives. Anyone who really wants to know you will try gradually building a friendship. Everyone else will have to be satisfied with a relationship that is friendly but not familiar.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're determined to take a particular path. This is causing problems in your personal life. Someone who is close to your heart wants you to take a less extreme stance. Be open to compromise. Discuss the subject at length with your friend. Ask yourself whether it's really worth it to take such a rigid stance. Standing on principle is admirable, but insisting on getting your way over a minor issue is silly. Take a few steps back and assess the situation honestly.

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Don't fall for a manipulative person's sob story. While you are always eager to help those who are down on their luck, this trickster isn't worthy of your sympathy. Issue a polite refusal for their request for money, resources and time. You'll know they have bad motives when they try laying a guilt trip on you. Stick to your guns. You shouldn't feel compelled to make excuses for your decision. A hard working person like you has to protect your financial interests.

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