
Be as respectful as you can towards your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. Although you disagree on fundamental issues, that doesn't mean your relationship is doomed. In the past, you took a more aggressive approach to arguments. Now you realise this can be hurtful. Try to listen more than you speak. When you do get a chance to talk, ask lots of questions. Eventually, you'll understand your friend's point of view and be able to reconcile.

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A health problem is rearing its ugly head. Instead of trying to mask the symptoms, go for a medical consultation. Be open to an alternative healing therapy. Reiki, acupressure or aromatherapy can bring tremendous relief. Friends will express disbelief you have taken such an unconventional route, but it doesn't matter. Your body will tell you if a treatment is working or not. The important thing is to feel better. If you have to change your daily routine, do so.

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This is not a good time to make investments or gamble. Playing it safe will protect you from making a loss. If you've grown restless in your job, stick with it. It's more important to get paid regularly than court excitement. Don't worry; you will have a chance to venture into unfamiliar territory. Right now, it's better to fulfil your obligations to friends, family and colleagues. When given a choice between spending and saving, pick the latter. Boredom is better than chaos.

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Costly repairs are worrying you. Instead of dwelling on feelings of lack, cultivate an attitude of prosperity. Count your blessings. Make a gratitude list. Contribute money to a charity. When you realise you are in a much better financial situation than most of the population, you'll attract moneymaking opportunities. Turn a deaf ear to a critical relative who says you are being irresponsible. You've got to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. This is a good rule of thumb for virtually any problem in life.

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It will be necessary to cancel a short trip. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, channel your energy in a positive direction. Taking up a course of study will be rewarding. You can learn a foreign language, pick up a musical instrument or learn how to garden. It doesn't matter what you choose as your new hobby, as long as it offers intellectual stimulation. After you've mastered the basics, you'll be ready to travel again. You will have come full circle.

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Your joint finances need attention. It's time to have a serious talk with your business or romantic partner. Instead of hurling accusations at your associate, ask lots of questions. Find out what their priorities are. There is a chance you are working at cross purposes. If you can't come together and forge some common goals, you should part ways. The last thing you want is to sacrifice your economic security. Don't let sentiment get in the way of sensibility.

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Beware of getting discouraged. If a project doesn't pay off in the early stages, be patient. It will take a long time to see the fruits of your labour. Continual personal sacrifices will be required. Even your closest friends will object to your mission. The only way it will get off the ground is by tuning out criticisms. Staying true to your vision will result in success, but not immediately. Whenever you become impatient, think about how long it takes for an acorn to grow into a great oak.

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Deceitful tactics will come back to haunt you. It's better to do everything in a straightforward manner. Nobody can question your motives when your actions match your words. If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, be honest. Don't get defensive. You shouldn't have to explain why you are unwilling to perform such hard work for no reward. A few people will call you selfish, but most will agree with your decision. Being a martyr is overrated.

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Friends aren't reliable now; it's better to be self-sufficient. If you need help with a project, postpone it for another time. It's frustrating to be put in this situation, since you're always the first to offer assistance when it's needed. Unfortunately, everyone is preoccupied with their own problems. This situation is teaching a valuable lesson about personal boundaries. Stop feeling pressured to go above and beyond the call of duty for people who aren't worthy of such sacrifice.

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Keep an eye on your credit rating. If you detect errors on your report, get the problem resolved as soon as possible. You shouldn't be penalised for a clerical error. Are you slowly getting out of debt? Talk to a charitable agency dedicated to helping consumers. It will have great advice on restoring your financial reputation. Slowly but surely, it will become easier to meet your goals and create the comfortable lifestyle you've always wanted. A few temporary sacrifices will pay off handsomely.

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A legal matter will not be decided in your favour. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, find a better use for your frustration. Changing an unfair law or increasing people's access to resources will be empowering. You've always been a proponent of equality. When you help vulnerable people become more secure, life feels meaningful. Some people will complain and accuse you of causing trouble. So be it. Sometimes it's better to stir the pot than let it boil over.

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Unexpected news about a will, inheritance or tax refund will throw you off balance. Instead of panicking, take deep breaths. Money isn't everything. You have a great many blessings: Relationships, creative work and a deep appreciation for beauty. By focusing on these gifts, your financial troubles will seem relatively insignificant. Once you cultivate inner peace, a solution to these problems will arrive as if by magic. Have faith in the Universe's bounty. The fastest way to tap into it is by releasing anxiety.

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