
All the talk in the world isn't going to impress an authority figure. You've got to demonstrate your brilliance and ability. No matter how much you like each other personally, you need to show your boss you are a professional or you could lose a valuable job to a more capable colleague. If you are passed up for a promotion, it's because you aren't ready to occupy the position. Bigger and better opportunities will come your way. Just keep developing your talent.

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You may not have the necessary skills to take on an exciting work assignment. Failing to get a particular job could spur you to acquire new skills. This will open new doors, provided you maintain a positive attitude. Giving up at the first sign of disappointment will only lead to more heartache. When faced with a challenge, you've got to venture into unfamiliar territory or you will never grow. Don't be afraid of technology it's meant to make life easier.

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Lending money to an irresponsible lover or child will lead to disaster. If this loved one has used your credit card or account without your permission, force them to pay any penalties that have incurred or they'll continue to take advantage of you. It's not as if they are malicious. It's just they are always looking for the easiest way out of trouble. If that means making you pay for their comfort, so be it. It's up to you to correct this dynamic.

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This isn't a good time to sell property. You may have overestimated how much your possessions are worth. Don't be afraid to reduce the price, as it will cost you more to hold on to it for an extended period of time. There's a lot of egotism at work here. If you don't let pride trip you up, you can still make a tidy profit. Granted, it won't be as large as you initially thought, but you will come away richer than when you began.

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Be very conservative when telling clients how long it will take to perform work. Last minute complications will slow your progress considerably. It's better to prepare people for the worst case scenario than give them false hope. If you realise a certain job won't be ready for the date you promised, notify the customer immediately. You'll have to endure a show of temper, but it will be much worse if you make your announcement at the last minute.

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Money could get in the way of a romantic relationship. You and your partner have radically different ideas about spending and saving. Neither one of you is correct, so refrain from playing the superiority card. The best way to resolve your differences is to have an open, honest discussion about your priorities. By working together, you can find a way to make small sacrifices without destroying your union. If you're single, it may be because you're putting too much emphasis on material considerations.

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Don't exaggerate your abilities, or you could be put in a very embarrassing position. Leave the specialised work for the experts. Yes, this means taking a subordinate spot to someone you loathe, but look on the bright side. You will have a rare opportunity to see a master at work. By paying careful attention to their approach, you could acquire some valuable skills. Remember, you've got to walk before you can fly. Be patient and think about the long term future.

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Pretending to have more money than you do is a mistake. The only way to receive someone's generosity is to admit your true situation. If you present your case honestly, you could be awarded a scholarship, grant, or loan. Pride shouldn't enter into it. There are funds set up for people like you. If you don't take advantage of them, somebody else will. And yes, you do deserve this sort of award. Stop telling yourself you aren't worthy of recognition and respect.

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Making - and then breaking - promises is hurting a relationship. You may think it's no big deal to cancel a date or fail to repay a loan, but it is. Every time you don't keep your word, you undermine your reputation. You also insult the person who has entrusted you. It may not seem terribly important now, but it will be once you meet someone you want to impress. It will be impossible to win them over if they've heard you're completely unreliable.

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Putting too much emphasis on the way your family does things will drive romance from your life. Just because you were raised to think and behave a certain way doesn't mean everyone should follow the same rules. In fact, you could probably benefit from trying something new. Teaming up with someone who isn't afraid to give willingly and generously will make you a more compassionate person. Being able to give isn't a weakness, it's a strength.

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Playing mind games with a love interest will come back to haunt you. This isn't a good way to start a relationship. If you really care for them you need to prove you are reliable. Cat and mouse games are titillating, but they don't lend themselves to a stable bond. This doesn't mean true love has to be boring. You can always keep things spicy and wild in the bedroom. Be steadfast when it comes to the regular business of life.

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Refusing to be forthcoming with friends will make them distrustful of you. If you've committed some deception, now is the time to set the record straight. Although your loved ones will be angry at first, they'll be grateful you came clean. If you feel lonely and isolated, it may be because you refuse to reveal anything about yourself to others. People sense your defensive attitude, and keep you at arm's length as a result.

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