
You suspect someone is not being honest with you. You are hearing different versions of a recent event or incident and this is causing you and several other people some confusion. Distractions and disturbances will continue until you decide to make a few changes in your environment.

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You are as practical, organised and determined as a Taurus can be. Friends and workmates will appreciate your practical advice and assistance. In all areas of your life you will be honest and thorough and you are prepared to explain some things more than once if this is necessary.

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The day will begin on an optimistic note and those good feelings will continue. Flow with the lucky tide that has now swept into your life and enjoy it for however long it lasts. Financial affairs will improve due to news received around midday.

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A lot of your time is spent having to deal with people who seem to get pleasure out of making your life awkward. Don't be surprised if this makes you feel irritable and uneasy. You wish a friend or relative was not so needy. Your one wish now is to escape familiar places.

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You are doing your best to be patient with people who aren't making any kind of effort. A partner is refusing to listen to your ideas. This makes you wonder whether they actually want to be involved in a joint project. Keep one eye open on what's going on elsewhere. You might see something interesting you will want to know more about.

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Your creative juices are flowing freely. A project you're working on now could change things in a big way in time to come. Friends will try to divert you but you will not be distracted. For the time being at least you are focused completely on a matter that is taking up all your thoughts and energy.

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You are thinking about adding to a cherished collection. It will be fun to look around. Some great bargains are to be found at antique shops, auction rooms and online auctions. Don't be reluctant to haggle if the list price is too high. It will be virtually impossible for people to resist your charm.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You have so much to do that even though you might try to squeeze as much as possible into your day, you still feel you haven't got through as much as you had hoped. Although you are trying your best to be organised, you can't possibly plan for the unexpected.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The really good times will be coming again. It seems to be an odd discussion to have with someone you've just met but you are being reminded of all you have been through this past year or so. Encouragement from a talented professional will mean the world to you.

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There is no need to feel guilty about events you cannot control. A senior colleague will understand if you must postpone a meeting because something more urgent crops up. There's lots of activity going on in both your working life and your personal world. You will enjoy the challenge.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have had to be patient recently and this is really paying off for you now. You are heading towards an achievement you can be proud of. You've worked hard to get this far and this just goes to show that hard work does bring its just rewards.

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If you have too many responsibilities it is time to delegate and let other people do their share. Everyone seems to think you have nothing else to do with your time but be there for them and you are starting to wonder when you will ever get some time for yourself.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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