
You won't feel able to enjoy life regardless of what you have or haven't done or what you are doing if you're standing still. You need to feel you are moving forward and making a success of yourself. Colleagues may not understand your ambition because they're happy to stay where they are. If these people don't affect your job, does it matter what they think? It's what you think that matters.

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A gut feeling or intuitive notion could prove to be incredibly insightful and accurate. There may be no time to think about it and even if you aren't used to acting on instinct, doing so will make you look sensible and wise in other people's eyes. You might never be able to explain why you acted a certain way today but the positive outcome will prove that in the circumstances, it was by far the right thing to do.

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If your confidence has taken a pounding recently, find a way to rebuild your self esteem. The best way to do this is to put yourself in situations where you are most likely to win. Avoid areas, subjects and occupations you have had little experience in. Do what you do best and this will help you restore your confidence and have more faith in your abilities. If you believe you can achieve or do something, your confidence will increase.

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Don't let anyone intimidate you or put you down today. Even if you're quivering inside, force yourself to lift your head up, look them in the eye, smile and tell them your views are just as important as theirs. If for some strange reason a friend who has always been supportive starts being unhelpful, rather than allowing this to continue and saying nothing about it, take them to one side and ask what has caused their change in attitude.

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Once you set the wheels in motion it will be easy to stick to a new diet or exercise routine. The more determined you are to get fit and healthy the harder it will be to convince yourself to skip a workout or eat calorie laden foods. You won't want to let yourself down and this is the right attitude to help you keep all the resolutions you make, this New Year.

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An overwhelming urge to reorganise your life might come over you now. You might make it a resolution to stop picking faults in yourself, to love yourself for who you are and to push any bad memories of the past behind you. Getting rid of unsightly items which cause you to cringe or bring up memories you'd rather forget is also a good start. Such objects have always taken a heavy emotional toll on you. Your ideal environment will contain only useful, beautiful or meaningful items.

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This is a good time for background investigations, for research and meditation. It isn't so good for sharing what you have learned with others. You might not wish to divulge your experiences if you're on a spiritual or intellectual journey that is both personal and special. One reason why you want to keep some views to yourself is you don't want other people to try to alter them. Currently you're happy with what you believe in and that's what's important to you.

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The stronger your desires, the more likely you are to be determined to work towards achieving them. Whether your goals are creative or more practical, the struggle to reach your goal will make it so much sweeter when you finally arrive at the destination. Sometimes the greatest enjoyment comes through the journey. This isn't so much a time to sit back, enjoy the ride and see where life takes you. It will be more fulfilling to have a specific goal in mind.

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Choose to go with situations you can control today rather than anything you're unsure of. You've had your fair share of dreams lately but unlike aspirations which allow you to fantasise about events over which you have no control, goals are something you can manage, manipulate and work towards. In identifying your short and long term aims, go for what you can create and not for what you can never have.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The more someone tells you that you can't do something, the more determined you are to prove otherwise! Whether your intention is to change jobs, enrol on an academic course, or start your own company, it doesn't matter. What matters is your determination to bring about your aims. The more focussed you are, the more likely you are to achieve your desire to show others exactly what you are capable of.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A religious or philosophical mood might lead you to talking to people of other faiths to satisfy your interest and curiosity. You're getting on well with almost everyone and it will be heart warming to share your interests and beliefs. Soon you might find yourself wanting to spend more time with one special person and romance could blossom out of friendship or a working relationship.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This is a perfect time to open your world to friends, work mates and relatives. Entertaining will bring fresh energy into your living space and there is no better way to cultivate friendships and camaraderie. Don't be surprised if someone close blurts out a confidence or divulges their feelings. The last night of the year seems to have been made for sharing secrets and this includes a romantic interlude.

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