
Don't deny your spirituality. If you feel sad, burned out or confused, stop what you are doing. Instead of trying to comfort yourself with a shopping spree or romantic encounter, turn your attention inward. Spend a few moments in quiet contemplation. Working with your hands can be therapeutic. Bake some bread, dig in the garden or sand a piece of wood. Slow, methodical tasks will give your subconscious a chance to rise to the surface, showing you which direction to take.

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You feel alienated from friends. Their goals are not yours. When you try to connect, it feels forced. There's no reason to feel self-conscious about your unique desires. Rather than asking others to affirm your goals, seek to satisfy yourself. A creative project will give you great happiness. You have been blessed with tremendous artistic ability. Feed these impulses. Eventually, people who admire what you are doing will come forward. You'll be grateful for their praise, but you will no longer need it.

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You're not getting the recognition you deserve at work. This is very upsetting. Resist the temptation to quit your job. It's easier to find a position when you already have one. Apply for work at companies that are famous for treating employees well. You'll land a lucrative position. Not only will you appreciate the bigger salary, but you'll also enjoy your responsibilities. Getting paid to make the world a better place will give you an attractive glow that's hard to resist.

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If you're going to earn an advanced degree, you must be disciplined. It won't be possible to maintain an active social life while you're going to college to further your education or gain new skills. Instead of spending long evenings with your friends, you'll be burning the midnight oil with your books or scouring the internet. Cultivating good study habits will help you win a big scholarship. Having the costs of your education covered will relieve a great deal of stress. It will also allow you to graduate in a strong financial position.

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It's important to protect your financial interests. Don't give anyone the power to write cheques from your account. You must oversee everything that goes out of this fund. Take a few hours each week to go over your bank statements with a fine-toothed comb. Your value system is strong. You'd never compromise it for the sake of a quick profit. Someone who tries to get you to do a dirty job for a large amount of money will earn your eternal suspicion. You simply can't trust a person like this.

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Giving up your powers to a romantic or business partner is a serious mistake. You might think this decision makes life easier for everyone involved. You are wrong. A vulnerable member of the group needs your protection. Defend their interests. You have a strong sense of justice. When a charismatic person tries to bully others into doing their bidding, you are the only one who can successfully block their path. Instead of being seduced by their emotional manipulations, you'll speak rationally and forcefully.

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You feel helpless when managing your daily affairs. There's simply too much to do. When this happens, you must delegate tasks to roommates, relatives and colleagues. There's no reason you should do the work of three people. Even small children can help. By showing faith in other people's abilities, you can devote more attention to your favourite hobbies. Listening to music, reading for pleasure and painting will restore your zest for life. Stop being a martyr to work; it won't win any sympathy.

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A needy new friend or lover wants you to be there for them 24/7. This is impossible. While you can uplift and support others, individuals must face their own demons. If you're involved with someone who is troubled, tell them to get professional help. It's not your job to cure them. Realising a cherished dream fills you with pride. You've worked long and hard to get to this point. Instead of taking on a fresh challenge, take this opportunity to celebrate your victory. Buy yourself a gift that will always remind you of this achievement.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have unrealistic expectations of your family. A relative is incapable of giving you the love you want. Rather than harping on about this, find ways to make yourself feel good. If you've always wanted to live in another part of the world, do it. After listening to your impulses, you'll attract a dream job. Spreading information to the public will give you tremendous joy. You'll get paid handsomely for your communication skills. You know how to explain complicated concepts.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You lack the necessary discipline to acquire a new skill. This is unusual for you. Normally, you have tremendous focus. Now you're distracted by nagging fears. Take time out of your busy schedule to address these anxieties. Find a healthy outlet for them. A legal matter will be decided in your favour. Once this issue has been resolved, you can move on to greener pastures. Think about writing a blog or starting your own web site. A story that draws on your childhood will be therapeutic.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't gloss over practical financial details. Plan to satisfy a bill by a certain time. Simply sending the minimum payment while incurring more and more charges will only compound the problem. A consumer protection agency can help you consolidate bills and eliminate the interest rate. A passionate relationship fills you with hope. With the help of your partner, you'll be able to face a challenge that has undermined your progress. After years of struggle, you'll find the strength to pursue a lifelong dream.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Pay careful attention to the company you keep. Surrounding yourself with optimists will have a good effect on you. Rather than dwelling on what is going wrong in your life, you'll celebrate your many blessings. This will make you attractive to love, luck and money. Signing a contract will put you in a much stronger position. Instead of wasting valuable time looking for work, you'll have a regular assignment that can be easily dispatched each month. The regular income will allow you to buy a home or car.

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