
You have so much to do you are hoping to get the most out of every hour in the day. You will be up with the larks and working well into the night. This single-minded determination could have a draining effect on your health if you aren't careful.

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Progress is slower than anticipated. It doesn't help that the people around you who are starting to panic, aren't being very organised. You take a more steady and practical approach to your work and that way, you will actually get results.

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One person could spoil it for everyone else just because they got out of bed on the wrong side. Refuse to rise to the bait if someone tries to provoke an argument. Hopefully their mood will improve later when some of your favourite friends will be gathering together.

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Balance is essential. If you work with the public, arrange it so you have times when you can be on your own to get a balance between demands from others and your private needs. If you work with machinery or at a desk, physical strain could result from staying in the same position or using the same muscles without rest.

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You would like to talk but you have a strong feeling that someone won't really understand what you feel or what you are going through. This is why you are holding back from expressing your feelings. Are you single? You could soon find yourself dating someone who is both wealthy and handsome.

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Someone you never expected to see again will turn up unexpectedly. This will cause you to go through a mix of conflicting emotions. Although you shared some happy times, there was sadness associated with your parting. You will not have expected to have to deal with this today.

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Listen to all views being voiced around you. There's a balance of positives and negatives and by taking into account all you are hearing, you will find it easier to get a clearer picture. In business, opportunities will come your way through existing contacts.

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You have reached a stage in your career where you will need to make an important decision. You aren't entirely comfortable about this but someone is waiting to hear from you. You are going to have to make a choice and make it soon.

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You will get the chance over the next few days, to clear up past misunderstandings with a neighbour or housemate. It's up to you whether or not you take this. The key to a happy relationship lies in your willingness to be upfront, honest and open in all your dealings.

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You will have a better idea about the long-term prospects of a new venture after attending a meeting focused on the research that has been put into this so far. A stranger could be useful in helping you understand issues that have been causing you some concern. You will appreciate their patience.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Someone you work with or see socially will be making comments on matters that do not concern them. Questions they ask makes it feel like they are taking too much interest in your private business. Although this person might be direct in speech, do they have any right to say what they are saying?

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A relative is going through some difficulties. They would welcome your support and advice. You might feel differently from them when it comes to a decision they are making but remember it is their life. Respect them for choices they decide on that will involve change.

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