
An unknown enemy will step from the shadows after you share your thoughts. Your words will upset their equilibrium. Prepare to defend yourself from some unfair accusations. Unlike your rival, you've always been straightforward. Instead of harbouring secret resentments and hidden agendas, you've been honest in all your dealings. As a result, people trust you with their resources. They know they can rely on you to be utterly transparent. This history of reliability will reveal your critic to be a petty opportunist.

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More money is coming your way, but you will have to work to get your fair share. Other members of the team will try to take more than they deserve. Be willing to assert yourself, even at the risk of appearing greedy. You've worked harder than anyone else. As a result, you have earned a bigger percentage of the profits. Someone who has witnessed your contributions will support your claims. It isn't fair to allow lazy colleagues to benefit from your exceptional talent.

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All eyes are on you. Instead of trying to put on a big act, just be yourself. Pretending to be an expert in a subject you know very little about will fall flat. People have always been enchanted by your natural curiosity for life. If you're asked to assume new duties at work, you should cheerfully agree. Your willingness to adapt will be rewarded with a raise, promotion or both. This is one of those times when your amenability is an asset, not a liability.

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It's time to release a painful situation that has been weighing on your heart. You have a chance to explore greener pastures. Go ahead and schedule a trip or apply for a scholarship. Expanding your horizons will be a much better use of your time than dwelling on the past. If you're single, you'll meet someone special after embarking on this adventure. Do you have a partner? Give your amour a beautiful token of your affection. Thanks to them, a deep wound will begin to heal.

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Beware of sending a heated response to a social media post. The Internet is forever. Something you say in anger will come back to haunt you. Give yourself a full day before challenging someone who offends your sensibilities. Making a compassionate rebuke to an upsetting statement can be one of the most effective ways to silence a bigot. Model your behaviour after a gentle role model you've always admired. People will rally to your side when you conduct yourself with grace and dignity.

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There will be a changing of the guard at work. This makes you nervous, since you were comfortable with the previous power structure. Instead of fearing the future, treat it as an opportunity for advancement. You might finally be able to use your communication skills to their best advantage. Writing promotional copy, contributing to the company's blog or dealing with your boss's correspondence are among the possibilities. You'll take pleasure in sending clear, confident messages on behalf of your employer.

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You'll have a chance to travel or study, but it will come at a price. It may be necessary to leave a job or undergo a fitness programme to take advantage of this opportunity. Instead of clinging to the old ways, move in another direction. Trying something new will have immediate benefits. Don't be surprised if you are offered a lucrative job soon after you change course. Landing a dream position is a distinct possibility. Getting paid to exercise your creativity will be the answer to a prayer.

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Powerful emotions are coming to the surface. A manipulative character is exerting great pressure on you. Instead of caving into their outrageous demands, look at the real source of these demands. It's possible they are testing your loyalty. Spending more quality time together will give them the reassurance they crave. Connecting regularly in a meaningful way will pave the way for a closer, healthier bond. You may want to turn off your mobile during these interludes.

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A close partnership is churning up powerful emotions. You're afraid of how this alliance is changing your priorities. Instead of resisting this transformation, lean into it. Becoming more generous will enrich your life. In the past, your judgmental behaviour undermined your enjoyment of life. Instead of appreciating your blessings, you were busy measuring your luck against that of others. This caused you to be jealous and resentful. When you learn to be happy for other people's good fortune, you'll become more magnetic to abundance.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time to evaluate your work systems. If an approach isn't working, be willing to dispense with it. Upgrading a software programme, dismissing some staff or altering a policy are among the possibilities. Instead of hiring an expensive consultant firm, talk to people who have complained. They'll give accurate and insightful assessments. By taking their comments into consideration, you'll overcome problems that have been holding you back. The most successful people use constructive criticism as a chance for improvement.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You attract admirers wherever you go. Some people are jealous of your popularity. It's possible you'll lose a work opportunity because someone is threatened by your popularity. Instead of dwelling on this setback, treat it as a course correction. Starting your own business will be highly successful. Instead of taking orders from cautious people who fear innovation, you'll be able to profit from visionary products and services. The secret to your success is a resourceful approach. You won't waste valuable money on status symbols that make no difference.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're feeling highly nostalgic. Don't fool yourself into yearning for the future. The power is in the present moment. Schedule an overseas trip, apply to university or take up a new hobby. Any effort to expand your horizons will pay off handsomely. If you've been thinking of taking up a spiritual practice, this would be a good time to do so. There is more to life than making money and striving for higher status. Look within for the answers you seek.

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