
Anger towards a romantic or business partner could erupt quite unexpectedly. You've been bottling up these feelings for quite some time. And while your rage may be justified, you should take care not to make an embarrassing scene. Otherwise, you'll lose valuable leverage in the argument. The best way to change this person's behaviour is to present your case in a cool, collected way that makes you look like the mature party.

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Being of assistance to others will attract sizable and glamorous rewards. Don't be surprised if someone gives you a gift certificate for a spa treatment or a lovely vacation as thanks for your hard work. You may have to rearrange some domestic responsibilities in order to enjoy this prize, but that should be no trouble at all. Leave the old routine behind in favour of some well-deserved pampering. You'll come back refreshed, energised, and inspired.

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Your sexual allure can open many doors that were previously barred to you. However, be careful about spending lots of your own money. You're better off getting others to treat you to clothes, meals, and other luxuries. Of course, such an arrangement may have strings attached. Therefore, you'd be wise to choose a benefactor that makes your pulse race. Paying back your debts will be a labour of love.

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You're feeling a lot of pressure to produce results, which is distressing. Instead of obsessing over how much you have to do, just get started. Keeping busy will prevent you from panicking. Playing joyful music while you work will help you maintain a positive mindset. So will taking a few moments to attend to your spiritual needs. If you feel overwhelmed, take a few moments to pray or meditate.

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Flattery will get you everywhere, especially where children and lovers are concerned! Your words have greater impact than you realise. If you're in the mood for a romantic evening, drop a few hints. If you need the kids to take on a greater share of household responsibilities, lay down the law. Of course, you'll want to reward good behaviour with encouraging words and thankful praise. The more positive you are, the more responsive they'll be.

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You make a wonderful impression on strangers and acquaintances, but friends aren't impressed. Maybe you need to be spreading a little of that sugar in their direction. True, you have a lot to gain by making new allies, but you still need to make time for your loyal mates. Try taking a more compassionate approach to people you deal with on a daily basis. You'll get the help and respect you crave.

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Social, romantic, and business opportunities abound, but take care not to annoy authority figures. Otherwise, you may be heaped with additional responsibilities when you could be going out and having a great time. If you want to appease your superiors, go the extra mile when attending to your normal duties. That way, nobody can accuse you of slacking off. If you're going to play hard, you'll have to work hard. Those are the rules today.

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Putting some money aside for a secret purpose is well-advised. You never know when you're going to want to pack up and leave on an impromptu vacation. Instead of divulging your plans to friends and family, keep them under wraps. That way, nobody can talk you out of taking this delicious plunge. You have to admit that while your impulsive antics scare others, they satisfy your deep need for excitement and adventure.

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You know plenty of people in high places, which works to your advantage today. If you feel like you're not getting the service or help you deserve, go ahead and call on a well-placed friend. Not only will the problem be rectified, but you'll also get some added compensation. A casual person like you doesn't like to resort to such tactics, but they are sometimes necessary when you're being ill-treated. Demand the respect you deserve.

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Your reputation rests on how well you treat your loved ones. And although someone who is close to your heart is trying your patience, you need to remain calm, especially when you're in a public setting. Losing your cool in a public place will just reflect badly on you. What is really at issue here, and why are you so upset? Until you address these emotions openly and honestly, all of your relationships will suffer.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Fantasy, not reality, is your primary preoccupation today, and why not? Your vivid imagination has led to some really impressive work. Devoting your time and attention to an art project could also increase your libido. You may want to get together with your sweetheart once you've put in a few hours with this endeavour. Take care not to load up on junk food, or you'll run out of energy when you should be flying high.

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The spiritual and emotional support you need may be a phone call away. Recently, it feels as though you are doing all the giving, but are getting nothing in return. Part of the problem is you're so reluctant to express your needs. Reach out to a friend who has tried to assist you before. Just knowing you've got someone in your corner could cause your passion for life - and love - to come flooding back.

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