
Working as part of a team is the best way to go today. Although you may have some reservations about operating with this group, those fears will eventually disappear. That's because your colleagues appreciate your imagination. It's nice to be recognised for your creative contributions. Don't pretend to know more than others; by showing respect for each person's expertise, you'll foster good work relationships.

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A close friend's bad judgment makes you uncomfortable. Voicing your opinion would just alienate this person. You're not sure if you can continue your relationship under these circumstances. Adopting a more compassionate stance can help you through this rough period. Think of a time when you did something contrary to a loved one's advice. Sometimes you need to let people make their own mistakes. Let this be one of those instances. Don't make any expensive purchases without your partner's consent.

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An authority figure's erratic behaviour is really wearing on your nerves. You need an outlet for all of this frustration. Planning a trip overseas could be a pleasant diversion. Make a list of ten places you've always wanted to visit, and then explore getting discount fares to each destination. You're bound to find one or two very good rates this way. A power struggle with a business or romantic partner isn't worth pursuing.

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Nothing makes you more frustrated than being plunged into unfamiliar circumstances. It feels like you are making a fool out of yourself. Instead of fighting this trend, give into it. Allowing yourself to look stupid can be quite liberating. Sometimes, it's better to admit your ignorance than play it cool. A sexual encounter feels like a meeting of hearts, minds, and souls. Prepare to be carried away on a cloud of ecstasy.

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A sudden expense throws you for a loop and you may have to scramble to make up the loss. Fortunately, a loved one is poised to give you all the financial and spiritual support you need. Lean on this person when it feels like the world is crashing in. A child could try committing emotional blackmail. Realise this kid is resorting to this tactic out of a sense of fear. Do your best to reassure your young friend they are loved and protected.

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You're tired of being pushed around by a capricious partner; it's time to put your foot down. Although confrontation has never been your strong suit, you're done with being a doormat. Establishing a spiritually fulfilling routine can help you withstand this difficult period. You may decide to break ties with this person altogether. If that's the case, keep your actions a secret from your family. It's best to deal with one problem at a time.

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Petty annoyances at work can slow progress to a crawl. Block out these distractions any way you can. Playing upbeat music can keep frustration at bay. Alternatively, you may want to move your station. Fortunately, your love life looks very promising right now. Going out with your amour after hours can take the sting out of work. Somebody could heap abuse on your shoulders. If this happens, know it is because this person is threatened by your intelligence.

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It's simply not possible to do what you want today and you'll probably have to cancel pleasant plants. Try not to take your disappointment out on others. Retreating to a pleasant household routine can be a soothing balm. It will feel good to cloister yourself away from the world. Buying yourself out of a tough situation could backfire. It's better to struggle through this matter with everybody else. Look at this as a learning opportunity.

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Coping with your family could be a struggle. Their ideas about what you should be doing are definitely not yours. You need to assert your independence. Working on a writing project could be really enjoyable. It feels great to exercise your imagination. You could probably create some great characters based on your relatives. This isn't a good time to pull a power play on a business or romantic partner.

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It's possible you could blurt out a secret today so try not to get drawn into any gossipy conversations. Avoiding temptation is half the battle. Trust your instincts when it comes to an investment. Putting money into a fund which supports environmentally friendly business practices can pay off handsomely. Face your fears as far as a personal transformation is concerned. You can embark on a new path. It's just a matter of summoning your courage.

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You've never made any bones about being a visionary, even though you get a lot of ribbing for it. Happily, someone is very attracted by this quality, and may throw some flirtatious glances your way. Resist the urge to make an impulse purchase. You could regret it later. A group of friends may think a particular hobby is frivolous. Pay no attention to their judgmental remarks. The important thing is that you're spending time on an activity you enjoy.

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You need to be consistent with a child or your relationship will suffer. You can't be a disciplinarian today and a best friend tomorrow. You'll always have to exercise authority over this kid, but you can do this in a caring way. When in doubt, trust your instincts. You're a naturally compassionate person. Coincidentally, you may be struggling with an oppressive boss. It may be time to ask your employer to lighten up a bit, just in the interests of productivity.

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