
Putting your creative talent on display is strongly advised. People appreciate your ability to create a feeling of luxury and glamour through your work. If you're interested in the performing arts, go on an audition. You'll easily win a high profile role or job. The secret to your success is a distinctive look. Instead of evoking classic styles, you create exciting new trends. Are you looking for love? You could find it with someone who has extensive knowledge of your favourite sport or hobby.

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Entertaining people in your home brings you lots of pleasure. You love to relax and unwind with your favourite people. If having guests has always been a source of strain, try taking a more relaxed approach. It isn't necessary to create some glossy magazine ideal to have a successful party. Actually, people are more likely to be comfortable in cosy surroundings similar to their own homes. Trust your intuition regarding a delicate family matter. An elderly relative will appreciate a call or visit.

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Learning, studying and doing research give the intellectual stimulating you crave. If your work isn't challenging, take an adult education course. Better yet, teach one. You'll enjoy showing eager students the ropes. Spending more time with friends is also important. There's more to you than your job title. A multi faceted person like you is bound to find complete satisfaction in one area of life. That's why it's so important to strike a healthy balance between the personal and professional realms.

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A desire for financial independence will prompt you to do some wheeling and dealing. Landing an important client, negotiating a raise and launching your own business are among the possibilities. You'll achieve success by setting yourself apart from the crowd. Offering unique products and services or taking a radically different approach than the competition will be effective. You're not afraid of taking chances. Nothing stimulates you more than finding untapped markets.

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Your star power is at an all time high. Use it to open doors, both personally and professionally. Ask someone for a date, meet with a business executive or promote an idea. People are receptive to your particular brand of charm. If you have an opportunity to study or travel abroad, grab it. The destination may not sound terribly glamorous, but you'll be pleasantly surprised upon arrival. Unfamiliar surroundings will help put problems in their proper perspective.

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Solitary pursuits will be rewarding. It will be a relief to escape friends, colleagues and relatives. Although you love the people in your life, they can wear on your nerves. You're such a capable person. Others have come to rely on you to fix their problems. Lately, you've been so busy coming to everybody's rescue that you haven't had time to hear yourself think. Give yourself the gift of leisure. Spend a few hours listening to music or reading an interesting book.

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Realising a childhood dream will be easier than you think. You have many talented friends who can help you. Drawing on their gifts will allow you to attain success. If you've ever wanted to land a job in an artistic field, this is the time to apply for one. You might have to take a low level position, but don't worry. You'll quickly get a series of promotions thanks to your tact, intelligence and insight. You have great instincts about what makes people tick. Trust your intuition.

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You'll be put in charge of an important project at work. People are captivated by your compelling personality. When you give an order, others fall into line. It's not that you're a tyrant. It's just because you have strict standards. When workers fall short of the mark, they'll be reprimanded. More importantly, those who meet your expectations are praised and promoted. That's why you have the most talented group in the organisation. Use your true potential and enjoy your work.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A lawsuit will be decided in your favour. Now this issue has been resolved, you'll be able to turn your attention to your love life. If you're in a relationship, take your partner on a glorious holiday. Visiting a glittering metropolis will be fun for you both. Alternatively, you might decide to visit a developing country that doesn't have a lot of modern conveniences. You've never shied away from roughing it. Just make sure to pick a place you both will enjoy.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Taking charge of a joint financial account will be empowering. Being a good custodian of this money will require complete transparency. This may be difficult if you're dealing with someone who prefers not to dwell on money matters. Sending copies of statements and scheduling regular meetings will cover your tracks. Are you on our own? Open a retirement, college or savings account. Having money in the bank will make you less dependent.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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One to one relationships are a profound source of pleasure. You love being able to focus on a business or romantic partner's needs. Instead of getting distracted by drama, you're able to pinpoint the true source of strain. Finding a solution to this problem will be extremely satisfying. Not only that, your friend will be eternally grateful for your help. If you feel compelled to take an impromptu trip, go. You'll enjoy a change of scenery. A relative or neighbour will offer good advice about where to stay.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You want to be noticed and appreciated, which is only natural. You've been given exceptional gifts. Being applauded for them is gratifying. Of course, it's important to acknowledge the work others do. Get into the habit of thanking people for doing small things on your behalf. If you get great service at a store, write a praiseworthy letter to the manager. Compliment a neighbour's beautiful flowers. Thank the person who pours your coffee each morning. All of that positive energy will be returned tenfold.

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