
You and a close friend or partner will be making plans to travel together. Visiting a place you have never been to before will expand your horizons. Don't hesitate to find out more about the offers that are coming your way. Discussions will centre on a future holiday.

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You've almost completed something you had hoped to have finished before now. Since you hate loose-ends, your main focus will be on getting this task over with. You don't have to do this on your own. There will be plenty of help available. All you have to do is hint that you would appreciate some assistance.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A task that looks difficult is not beyond your capabilities. You can either learn as you go on, or you might join forces with a talented friend or colleague. Watching how-to videos will be helpful and illuminating and occasionally entertaining.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Joint projects begun now will go well as long as no-one insists on getting their own way. Listen to a partner's ideas. Make compromises if and when this is necessary. Working on some Christmas crafts will bring creative fulfilment.

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Someone you met recently hasn't been honest about themselves. They are ready to open up now and reveal more. As they do, you will feel more able to understand them. Prepare yourself for some long discussions ahead. People appreciate your kindness and compassion.

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New ideas your family come up with for this festive season are worth considering. By praising people for their imaginative suggestions, you will cultivate a spirit of goodwill. Going the extra mile for your close relatives will pay off handsomely.

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Some people will find it almost impossible to resist your charms. Use this ability to influence your family, friends and co-workers in a positive way. When you're working together as a team you will accomplish far more than doing anything independently. A group effort will make light work of all you do.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're starting to feel bored with a joint arrangement. This relationship seems to have little to offer you now but pause before making a drastic decision. Rather than walking away completely, you might both benefit from trying something new and different together.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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People have different ways of coping with change. A group effort is in danger of collapsing due to someone at the top insisting on keeping things as they are. Your aim will be to encourage more flexibility but you need to do this without upsetting a team leader.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Filling in grant application forms and helping to arrange fund-raising events will be taking up a lot of your time. You know that in the long-run it will be worth it if this provides a means to generate income for a good cause or charitable organisation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will always struggle to find real happiness when you can't get your mind out of the past. Until you cut ties completely, you will be unable to move forward. Allow yourself to focus on people and activities that make you feel centred and content.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You and a partner seem to want something very different when making plans for the future. It won't be easy to reach an agreement but it will happen because ultimately you both want to enjoy something new and special, together.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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