
The Sun/Mars square urges you to pick your battles carefully; stop reading too deeply into sarcastic remarks. You're better off channelling your anger into a difficult project that has dogged you for weeks. Vaulting over this obstacle will cause your ego to soar, making it easier to overlook annoying comments. don't let your rivals see you sweat.

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Spreading confidential information around could destroy an authority figure's trust in you. Consider whether this relationship is worth maintaining. It's entirely possible that your relationship with this person could become a serious liability. your own reputation is largely based on the company you keep.

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Let's face it: you're not the world's foremost expert on every subject under the sun. If the conversation turns to unfamiliar topics, keep quiet and listen. The Sun/Mars square may tempt you to break in with an uninformed opinion, but resist the urge. That way, no one can accuse you of being an arrogant show off.

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Be realistic about all the work that's been laid out before you; there's no point in making promises you cannot keep. The sooner you notify the people who are depending on you, the better. Your fear of letting people down could actually compromise your reputation. Own up to your limitations as a human being.

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The Sun, your governor, is sending a direct challenge to combative Mars, putting stress on your love life. If a sex interest doesn't seem to respond to your overtures, back off. There's nothing more undesirable than a suitor who doesn't respect your feelings. If you're already in a relationship, take care to respect your mate's feelings.

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Back up your promises with actions otherwise people will take you for a flake. Hostility in the heavens makes you defensive in the face of criticism, but monitor your conscience for twinges. If you feel as if there's even a grain of truth in their accusations, take steps to correct your mistakes. That way, you can sleep easy again.

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Don't overestimate your charm, especially under todayıs inclement cosmos. Insulting a loved one's intelligence is just about the most unforgivable thing you can do. If you've made a mistake, admit it, apologise, and change your ways. The whole course of your relationship depends on your humility.

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You could be in the very centre of a love triangle or sexual machinations right now, which feels kind of flattering. However, don't play one party against the other for much longer or you could destroy all prospects for a happy relationship. Ultimately, you owe it to both parties (not to mention yourself) to make your feelings known.

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Drive yourself too hard under the todayıs tense Sun/Mars square and the result will be an unhappy home life. One of the worst things you can do right now is to take friends or family for granted. After all, they're the only ones who are going to support you when the chips are down. Does this dependency feel like a liability?

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Communicating your needs to a relative may be practically impossible, thanks to their irrational behaviour. There's no point in flogging a dead horse. If they're unwilling to help, there's nothing you can do but change your plans. Owing this person a favour is probably more trouble than it's worth, anyway. Be versatile.

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Someone who has very different values than yours could take offence at a flippant remark. The ensuing argument may be a sign that you have to reassess this relationship. If you feel as though you can't express your feelings freely in this person's presence, it may be time to break it off, otherwise, what's the point of being friends?

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Youıve much energy and enthusiasm to move ahead professionally, but others may not support your dream. Be prepared to battle an ambitious authority figure or young Turk who feels threatened by you. Don't take their opposition personally, you may, however, want to look elsewhere for better opportunities.

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