
You'll be able to move ahead with a holiday or project you were forced to postpone. Now you're in a much better position to abandon yourself to fun. If you're single, you could meet someone special in a bookstore or classroom. Attached Rams have a divine opportunity to spend more time with their partners so make special plans for just the two of you. Make your arrangements and head off to a romantic eatery together. You need some time to reconnect.

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Lately, you've been so busy you haven't had any time to do housework. That's about to change, much to your relief. You're a comfort loving person who can't stand to be in chaotic surroundings. Take this opportunity to clear out the clutter, wipe away the cobwebs, and scrub every surface until it shines. Playing festive music while you work will make the job seem less arduous. Of course, you should divide jobs among all the members of your household.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Return to a writing project you set aside some time ago. You may be surprised at how good it is. Let this be a lesson regarding your inner critic. Too often, you give credence to the nagging voice inside your head. If you carry on doing this some really valuable work will be lost. A relative, neighbour or friend will finally return your call. It's hard not to be angry; while they've been dragging their feet, you've been forced to make excuses.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Payment of a job you performed some time ago will finally hit your bank account. This is a real relief, as bills have been mounting. If you've been out of work, you could be called in for several interviews. This is a blessing, as you'll be able to negotiate much better terms than what you are originally offered. Don't be afraid to drive a hard bargain. Your skills are valuable. If your employer is going to benefit from them, he or she should compensate you accordingly.

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You'll be in great demand after suffering through a period of obscurity. Naturally, you want to lash out at the people who once ignored you. Resist this temptation, though. By conducting yourself with dignity, you'll attract golden opportunities, both personal and professional. Someone could offer you a job to write a column, blog or 'How To' manual. This is your big chance to bask in the spotlight. Getting paid to render your opinions is your idea of heaven.

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Retreating to a private spot where you can sit and hear yourself think will offer a welcome change of pace. You're tired of listening to a bunch of complainers who can never see the positive side of a situation. If you've had problem getting paperwork from a big bureaucracy, call the organisation again. Leave your name and contact information and keep calling until you get a response. Remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A group project will finally get off the ground. You need to be a little more assertive than usual. Although you have great ideas, people will be resistant to them at first. The only way they will be put into practice is if you insist. Normally, you'd let somebody else steal your thunder. This time around, you need to stand your ground. You may not realise it, but someone important is watching your progress. You won't get another opportunity like this for quite some time.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Presenting your ideas to the public will go extremely well. Be sure to add a little glitz and glamour to your presentation. People are so sick and tired of the same old Power Point displays. If you tell jokes, make sure they are in good taste. Your reputation is on the line. Looking for work? Go ahead and apply for a position that puts you before the public. You may develop a taste for the spotlight. Stranger things have happened!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Being able to teach, write or lecture will put extra money in your pocket. You may not have an official certificate or degree, but don't let it stop you from sharing your wisdom with others. You may find you have a knack for instruction. Your favourite part of the job is working with people who are thirsting for knowledge. A mischievous student makes you want to laugh when you should be maintaining order. Try not to smile at their antics, at least in public!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's time to have a heart to heart conversation with a young person. You're afraid of the direction their life has taken. Although you are no innocent yourself, you hate seeing your young friend taking risks with their life. Instead of giving some big lecture, try relating your experience to theirs; there are differences, but at rock bottom, the two of you are very similar. Let your friend know he or she isn't the only one to have these feelings of rebellion and anger.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There's never been a better time to sign a contract or make a formal agreement. For the past few weeks, a business or romantic partner has been issuing ultimatums. You have refused to be backed into that sort of corner. Now your friend realises you won't be bullied, he or she is ready to negotiate. Whatever arrangement you make, be sure it affords a large measure of freedom or you're better off on your own.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A stalled work project gets underway again, with a few revisions. You may be asked to take the helm after the original leader falls sick. Although rallying the troops isn't your forte, you need to assert your authority, anyway. When the group encounters setbacks, you have to keep the mood upbeat. Be ready to discipline slackers and reward hard workers with praise. Don't look the other way at bad behaviour, or everyone will lose faith in you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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