
You'll want to get straight down to business today; there won't be much time for fun and games. Fortunately, you're making great progress on the financial security front. Finding a steady job that pays well should be no trouble at all. If you're already in a good position, you could assume additional projects that bring in extra income. Pay no attention to an irresponsible friend who mocks your hard work; the last laugh will be yours.

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Having a serious talk with a loved one gives you a better sense of where you stand. If you feel this relationship is going nowhere, you're better off going solo. Don't worry about what others will think of your impulsive behaviour. Living your life to please others is always a recipe for disaster. If you are single, stop pretending to be someone you're not. Your natural personality will be enough to attract love.

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Be honest about your spending habits; have you been as responsible as you could have been? There's no reason you can't turn things around, provided you exercise a little willpower. Reconsider plans for an expensive trip. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a good time. Ask friends for recommendations on inexpensive holiday destinations; you could get some great inside information.

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Fitting in with the crowd is very important now; you don't want to alienate potential supporters. Resist the urge to use sex in order to win people's approval. You'll just end up complicating matters. It's much better to base relationships on mutual respect. Volunteering to help others when you're not busy, recognising colleagues' expertise, and finding ways to go beyond the call of duty are all advised on this very busy day.

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The best way you can win the approval of superiors is to exercise compassion. Reach out to a colleague who has been struggling with certain duties. Once you understand what the problem is, you'll be able to arrive at a workable solution together. Be realistic about this person's strengths and weaknesses, or it will be difficult to make any progress together. Just remember your success is directly related to theirs.

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Drawing on the help of friends and family will expand your opportunities. Don't be afraid to ask for a recommendation or introduction if you need one. You may be under the mistaken impression you're not talented or important enough to merit assistance. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to advance in your profession, you'll have to capitalise on your contacts. Everybody else does it; why not you?

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Your professional stature is on the rise, mostly because you are able to anticipate the needs of the public. If you've had disappointments in love, channel your frustration into your job. You'll experience immediate success. There's also the added bonus of attracting all sorts of admirers who respect your ambition. Why sit at home alone when you could be making money, meeting new people, and having a great time?

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Discussing your philosophical or religious beliefs with a partner draws you closer together. These days, everyone is so focused on material concerns, refusing to acknowledge the spiritual dimensions of life. Talking about this subject with a trusted confidante will make you feel more centred and content. If you're not involved with someone special, start seeking out romantic candidates at religious, cultural, and educational venues. You'll meet people who share your interest in deep mysteries.

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If you feel self-conscious in the bedroom, it's time to step up your exercise routine. Firming and toning your body will make you feel more confident about your sexual technique. Although your partner may insist they love you just the way you are, they'll appreciate your efforts to become more attractive. Working out can also increase your desire for intimacy. Any way you slice it, getting in shape is a winning proposition.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've got to take your romantic partner's needs seriously if your relationship is going to thrive. Make an effort to satisfy their desires, and don't quit after just one attempt. The more consistent and loving you are, the more your relationship will improve. You don't have to buy lots of expensive presents to win your mate's approval. Your time and attention are more precious than gold; spend them lavishly on your beloved.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keeping busy with chores won't ease that emotional ache inside. You're going to have to face your problems if you're going to overcome them. It will also help to integrate exercise into your daily routine. Stress, fear and sadness can accumulate in the body. Finding a physical outlet for these emotions will come as a tremendous relief. Stop telling yourself you don't have time to work out; make your health the top priority.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Taking a tough stance with a lover or child is difficult, but it's also essential. The person in question won't respect you unless you establish some firm boundaries. Somewhere along the line, you convinced yourself people won't like you unless you always agree to their demands. Actually, the opposite is true. Showing off your backbone will win you the respect, admiration and appreciation you desire. Your feistiness is extremely attractive!

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