
An envious colleague is trying to get your job. If they spread rumours about you, defend yourself. Having a paper trail of your work will help refute unfair accusations. Have you been neglecting your duties? It's time to refocus. Be vigilant about submitting materials on time. Attend meetings and return messages. When you encounter difficulties, notify the people who will be affected. The more conscientious you are, the harder it will be to unseat you. Don't give enemies any ammunition.

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A romantic relationship is experiencing conflict. You're tired of bickering with your amour. If your differences are too great, it's time to part ways. Physical desire won't be enough to sustain your affection. Are you single? It's possible your standards are impossibly high. Stop looking for a fairy tale ideal and start evaluating people on their individual merits. The important thing is to find someone who is kind, considerate and ethical. Avoid deceptive types like the plague; they're not worth the trouble.

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A heavy penalty fee or tax bill makes you resentful. Instead of dwelling on these lost resources, find a way to get money flowing back into your life. Operating a home based business will be profitable, but only if you offer reliable services. Your restless energy can make you neglectful. If you're going to be successful, you have to deliver on promises. That means frequently checking messages, incurring unexpected costs and putting personal plans on the back burner.

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Petty behaviour is getting under your skin. You work hard to treat everyone with respect and courtesy. When you don't receive the same treatment, it makes you angry. Find an outlet for your frustrations. Making beautiful works of art is a hobby for you. You are extremely imaginative and you enjoy making special items for people you love. Knitting, making furniture and crafting jewellery are all good avenues for you to explore. It's easier to give rude people a pass when you're creatively fulfilled.

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You'll be put in an awkward position regarding money. If you can't afford an expensive outing, turn down an invitation. Be honest about the reason. A true friend will respect your desire to conserve your resources. Anyone who tries to pressure you into incurring debt should be avoided. If your boss falls through on giving you a raise, it's time to look for another position. When someone breaks a promise, they're untrustworthy in other areas. You deserve better from your employer.

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Misuse of resources is cause for regret. Moving forward, it's best to stick to a budget. When you want to buy a luxury item, give yourself a full day before purchasing it. Use the extra time to find something that is better priced or discover a different brand that is better made. If you're fond of antiques, beware of falling victim to impulse buying. The prospect of owning an incredibly rare item is exciting, but may not be worth the toll it takes on your bank account.

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The thought of doing lots of work is deflating. Lately, it seems like nothing you do is appreciated. Pushing yourself to win someone's admiration seems like an exercise in futility. Instead of trying to impress others, seek to push yourself forward. Raising your productivity, mastering a skill or winning a prize will clear the way to a better job. The sooner you leave an indifferent company, the happier you will be. Find an employer that will recognise and reward your contributions.

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You're oversensitive regarding personal criticism. The best way for you to grow is to be open to improving. Whether this means raising your standards at work, being more sensitive to people's needs or improving your listening skills is immaterial. The important thing is to take deep breaths when you get feedback. Assess whether these remarks are helpful. Even a nasty rival can inspire you to move past a persistent problem. Make it your mission to conquer shortcomings and realise your potential.

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Arguments with family are draining. You're tired of defending choices to judgmental relatives. Instead of getting sucked into another quarrel, keep your distance. Establish healthy boundaries. Anyone who insists on discussing a touchy subject should be avoided. You have a great deal of love and appreciation for those who were kind to you in the past. It's important these people treat you with respect now you are an adult. If that's not possible, it's time to go your separate ways.

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It's terrible to discover you have been deceived. At first, you won't entertain the possibility. As the facts start coming in, you'll realise someone betrayed your trust. Try not to beat yourself up. An important part of life is forming friendships. When a manipulator slips beneath your radar, it is devastating. Treat the situation like a learning opportunity. Be more selective about revealing personal information until you've had time to assess someone's character.

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You're afraid to be ambitious because of some recent setbacks. It feels terrible to set your heart on something and then have that dream die. Give yourself time to grieve this loss. Find a private place to yell, scream and cry if you want. Pour all your feelings into a diary. Exercise can also be therapeutic. Once you release the anger and pain, you'll be ready to start afresh. You're too gifted to let your talent fall by the wayside.

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Anxiety about money is affecting a close relationship. Have a heart to heart discussion with your romantic or business partner about finances. Until you formulate a plan, you'll continue suffering the same problem. Put your heads together and devise a way to pare down debt and build savings. This can involve anything from operating a side business to finding a more lucrative job to spreading out trips to the grocery store. Be creative and compassionate.

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