
You'll get very good news about your career. Being offered a lucrative position at a prominent company will boost your confidence. It's gratifying to know you have the ability to stand alongside some of the most talented people in the industry. If you have your own business, you'll be given an award for being the best in your division. Now you've achieved this distinction, you should think about expanding operations. An adventurer like you is always eager for a new challenge.

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Traveling overseas will put you in the path of good fortune. Sights and sounds you never encounter at home will inspire you. Don't be surprised if you're compelled to enrol in university. Studying with accomplished teachers will help you discover hidden talents. A gift for creating things of lasting beauty will give your life a sense of purpose and meaning. Simply earning a salary is not enough; you want work that offers spiritual fulfilment. Break away from convention and follow your heart.

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You will receive a bonus, commission or dividend. Put this money aside for an extended holiday you will take by yourself. Getting away from the pressures of home will be soothing. You've always been attentive to your nearest and dearest. Although your impulse is admirable, it is also draining. Take this opportunity to recharge your batteries. Reconnecting with your spiritual side will uplift and revive you. By the time you return home, you'll be back to your cheerful, helpful self.

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Getting engaged or married is a possibility. Alternatively, you could enter into a lucrative business partnership. Entering into an alliance will increase your power and influence. Suddenly, it will be easier to connect with people who can help you. You'll also feel supported when pursuing new challenges. It's always been difficult for you to venture into unfamiliar territory. Your concerns will vanish with your ally by your side. Instead of being consumed by doubt, move forward with confidence.

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Your influence will increase after taking a job at an important company. Suddenly, it will be easier to get a loan, grant or scholarship. Never underestimate the influence of a powerful corporation. Having access to a line of credit will allow you to acquire marketable skills. Make a long term plan for the future. You'll fare best in a career that involves an element of luxury. Look for opportunities to work with influential executives, deal with affluent clients and market reputable products.

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You're highly romantic. Finding love is your first priority. If you already have a partner, buy your amour a beautiful token of your appreciation. Choose an extravagant gift that reflects their taste. Ask their best friend for suggestions if you're not sure what to buy. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a festive party. Take extra pains with your appearance. When you look good, it will be easier to make conversation with an attractive individual who makes your pulse pound.

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Spending time with family will be joyous. You need the support of people who love you unconditionally. Their acceptance gives you the courage to pursue your passion. Whether you've been longing to purchase a house, form a business alliance or become an artist is immaterial. The important thing is to follow your heart's desire. Relatives will be happy to give you the moral, financial and practical help you need. If you're far from kin, develop an intimate circle of friends and neighbours.

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An attentive neighbour or relative will give you good advice. You would be wise to take it. Whether it's reading a book, taking a course or buying a product, you will be pleased with the results. You're an intense person who can fall victim to tunnel vision. By letting others introduce you to unfamiliar products, services and trends, you'll benefit tremendously. Your relationships will also improve. People love it when you follow their recommendations. It makes them feel validated.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You'll receive a great deal of money. Put some of this windfall towards an item you will use on a daily basis. Exercise equipment, a practical accessory or a big appliance will make life a lot easier. Put the rest of this fund in a savings account. If you've been looking for work, a powerful executive will offer you a lucrative job. Working as their assistant will help you build financial stability. The ability to fund an adventurous overseas trip will be gratifying.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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At long last, a goal you have been working for will finally be achieved. Take this opportunity to enjoy your victory. Plunging into a new project before enjoying this victory will be a wasted opportunity. Basking in the glow of success will attract admirers. If you're single, you'll catch the attention of someone interesting. Let them cultivate your own creativity. You're extremely imaginative. Let your next adventure involve writing, painting or playing music. Creating works of beauty gives you pleasure.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Getting some rest and privacy will be welcome. Recently, you've made the round of a lot of festive parties. This has been exhausting. Stop pressuring yourself to go out and have fun. Instead, go home early and enjoy a quiet evening. Turn off your mobile and stay away from the computer. Order some delicious takeaway food and listen to some soothing music. Soak in a scented bathtub before retiring it will help you drift off into a refreshing sleep.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Going to a gathering filled with friends and family will be uplifting. It feels good to be surrounded by people who understand you. Instead of sitting in the corner feeling self-conscious, you'll be able to fully participate in the activities. Someone who is impressed by your knowledge will invite you to join a book club or debate society. Make sure to attend the next meeting. You'll make some wonderful friends while getting lots of intellectual stimulation. It's important for you to have interests outside of work.

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