
Your intuition will be stronger than ever over the next two weeks, especially with regard to family. Older relatives need your love and understanding. At times, their dependence will seem like a burden. There is a silver lining to this cloud, though. Your support and guidance will give these people the strength to make necessary changes. Together, you will find a solution that solves everybody's problems. Keep the faith.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Rely on your head, rather than your heart, when dealing with large groups of people. A certain member of the gang has a knack for getting under your skin. By remaining calm in the face of their goading, you'll get the upper hand. You may be wondering why this character has singled you out for attention. It's probably because he or she is attracted to you. This may sound absurd, but examine the possibility.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You could be offered a plum position, but you're afraid to take it. That's because there's so much responsibility involved. Be sure to negotiate for a fair salary, as you may have to put in lots of overtime and while the thought of a time-consuming career doesn't thrill you, it's important to consider the benefits of this situation. Not only can you draw a big paycheque, but you'll also be doing work you love.

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Exploring your religious beliefs may prove fulfilling these next two weeks. Although you've always been concerned with financial and emotional security, it's also important to have a strong spiritual foundation besides. You don't have to follow any organised faith. Actually, you may prefer to read a variety of philosophical texts. Never fear; you won't have to share these explorations with anybody. Keep them private for now.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A new source of funds and earnings could fall into your lap, right in the nick of time. It looks as though this money will be related to a tax refund, insurance settlement, or a dividend of some kind. Take this opportunity to make some long-term investments. Having money in the bank will give you peace of mind. It will be easier to take risks in other areas of life when you have a safety net.

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Entering into a serious partnership will have marvellous consequences for you. This pairing could involve marriage, business, or both. It looks as though your associate will assume a more public role, while you work behind the scenes. This arrangement will satisfy you both. It's possible that the two of you will be dealing with a large group these next two weeks. Use an important male executive as your point person with this project.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Diet, fitness, and exercise will take on an increasing importance in your life. Although there are lots of career demands right now, you owe it to yourself to visit the gym on a regular basis. Working out will relieve any job related stress. It will also keep your energy level high. When faced with the choice of staying late at the office or going for a run, pick the latter. Health trumps wealth.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You've got romance, children, and art on the brain right now. Advice from a respected expert on any of these topics will prove invaluable. It may seem as though you've got too many responsibilities to think about such frivolous subjects, but that's not the case. You're a powerful creative force. Starting a relationship, conceiving a child, or launching an art project are all worthwhile goals. Open your heart to joy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your domestic situation is undergoing some changes, much to your relief. If you want to buy a house, approach a lending institution. You may get a break, even if your credit history is bad. Alternatively, your parents or an older relative may be willing to give you the money for a down payment. If your financial history is good, you'll arrange things so cleverly you won't have to pay a fortune. You're moving on up!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Writing, editing, and studying will open new worlds for you. If you've ever wanted to write a book, now is the time to begin. On the other hand, you may decide to take a class for fun. Don't be surprised if you meet someone special as a result. This person may be very well established. It's even possible that you'll fall in love with the instructor! If you're in a relationship, ask your mate for some book recommendations.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A salary increase or high paying job will be coming your way. This money is well deserved, as it looks as though you'll be working hard the next two weeks. Let a male authority figure take you under his wing. This man has valuable lessons to teach, if you're willing to play a subordinate role. Normally, you're too independent to settle for such an arrangement. You'll find the benefits outweigh the sacrifices in this situation, though.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've got plenty of energy and drive, which makes people take notice of you. The next two weeks are ideal for showing off your creative talents. You may have the opportunity to study with a great master. Alternatively, you could get a government grant to work on a book or an art project. You will have to work to attract such golden opportunities, though. Draw up a plan to meet your short-term goals.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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