
Operating on faith helps you cope with a difficult workload. Although you have difficulty trusting others, there really isn't any other option now. Fortunately, your colleagues are just as conscientious as you about a project. Be honest but constructive in your criticisms. If you've been struggling with some kind of dysfunction, you could find a helpful medical treatment. Do some online research into experts in your area. Just talking about this problem will be a tremendous relief.

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If you're looking for love, you could find it at the office. Striking up a relationship at work is always tricky, but it looks as though the two of you have a real bond. Keep your eyes open for a respected authority figure. You'll have no trouble luring this person into your web of intrigue, as your sex appeal is red hot. If you're already in a relationship, you may want to undergo an exercise programme with your partner.

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Expressing your heartfelt emotions to a colleague can help you push past a stubborn block. It's possible the two of you have been working at cross purposes for several months. Your logical approach to problems can sometimes intimidate more sensitive types. By sharing what you feel, you'll establish that you really do possess a soft heart. Open your mind to a book or movie a loved one wants you to try. It could launch some revealing talks.

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Doing errands on behalf of a child or lover proves rewarding as you love finding ways to be useful to your nearest and dearest. Your knowledge of a foreign culture or exotic religion could come in handy at work. Go ahead and volunteer for an assignment, even if it falls outside of your job description. Your initiative could be awarded with a raise or promotion. Alternatively, you could be given an overseas assignment tinged with glamour.

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An ability to handle an emotionally charged situation helps you make a tidy profit. People feel safe putting sensitive matters in your hands. It's also reassuring to deal with you when deadlines loom or items go missing. Somehow, you manage to lend perspective to everything you do. An intuitive admirer could approach you for a date. The two of you could have a wonderful time at a sporting event or cultural festival.

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Adopting a serious attitude makes a good impression on business associates. People feel confident you will behave responsibly with their assets. They also feel good about buying expensive items from you, trusting your integrity. Draw upon lessons you learned as a child when it comes to your job. By showing respect for your colleagues' talents, you'll be able to work together in a spirit of harmony. Backbiting will only make your duties that much more arduous.

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Being a silent partner could put more money in your pocket. Normally, you enjoy occupying a more public role, but there are definite benefits to working behind the scenes. Endeavours related to teaching, writing, or publishing are especially profitable. If you're looking for love, you could find it with a spiritual person who has a faraway look in their eyes. If you are in a relationship, arrange to go away on a mini-break with your amour.

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Your perceptive comments can prevent a friend from making a drastic mistake. Sometimes, your loved one assumes too much responsibility. By pointing out this trend in a straightforward but kindly fashion, you could convince this person to relinquish some of their tasks. Business matters related to domestic products, property, or children are highly favoured. This would be a great time to make an investment in any of these areas.

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Your adventurous spirit could prompt you to take a short trip. You need frequent changes of scenery to stay fresh and excited. Reading a book about spirituality could provide lots of food for thought. You're tired of focusing on the material world all of the time. Keep a low profile with regard to work matters. You'll make more progress by operating behind the scenes. Right now, everybody is bucking for a promotion. Distinguish yourself by adopting a modest attitude.

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Your superior knowledge is a tremendous asset to a group. Don't be afraid to override a proposal which is seemingly naive or poorly conceived. You have enough experience to know whether a project is destined to succeed. Fortunately, your humble attitude makes people receptive to your suggestions. Spending time alone on an activity you really enjoy can lift your spirits. Beware of wasting your time on toxic relatives who sap your energy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending time with friends brings out your softer side. Too often, people accuse you of being overly analytical. These critics would be surprised to see you today. It's easier for you to follow your heart when you're with people you trust. Assuming a leadership position enables you to put financial resources to good use. In the past, the group that was in charge of these funds was a bit irresponsible. This is your chance to correct those mistakes.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Handling a partner's legal affairs is the nicest thing you could do right now. Go ahead and write a letter, make some phone calls, or send a sheaf of forms. Even a small gesture will take a giant weight off of your friend's mind. If you're not in a relationship, you could meet someone special at a business convention or job fair. You're especially attracted to people who are much older or younger than you. Trust your intuition when dealing with an overenthusiastic authority figure.

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