
It will be impossible to convert people to your point of view. You're eager to explore new vistas and take calculated risks. The rest of the team wants to maintain the status quo. Resist the temptation to walk away from this organisation. Going solo will be extremely difficult. It's better to stay with the pack. Future opportunities to break free will arrive, but only after you pay your dues. You can gain valuable experience from your current position. Put your ego aside and keep the long-term goals in view.

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A person who continually steps over your boundaries needs to be confronted. You're tired of feeling violated. If you're dealing with a stalker, notify the authorities immediately. Having a paper trail is critical to putting an end to this abuse. Nobody has the right to impose unwanted attention on you. They may accuse you of being cruel and unfeeling. There's no reason you should feel guilty about disliking their manipulative ways. Do everything in your power to deny this pest access to your life.

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Assuming a superior tone with a loved one will drive a wedge between you. Although you are stronger in certain areas than a friend or romantic partner, that doesn't mean they're incompetent. You've benefitted greatly from their kindness, compassion and consideration. By undermining their self-worth, you'll deprive yourself of love. Get into the habit of expressing thanks for your other half's tender heart. This will strengthen your bond and cause resentment to be replaced by mutual appreciation.

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You have great ideas, but nobody is listening. Instead of trying to convert disinterested people to your point of view, make a strategic retreat. There will be a better time to promote your agenda. Right now, it's better to keep your head down and get on with your own work. Offer to run an unpleasant errand. Cover an ailing colleague's shift. By getting yourself into the good graces of the people around you, they'll become more receptive to your suggestions. An ambitious project like yours takes time to execute. Be patient.

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Your standards are too high for anyone to meet. Give everyone a break. Although your relatives and colleagues seem to be slacking off, they're working hard to impress you. Whenever you feel compelled to heap someone with criticism, offer genuine praise instead. Someone who keeps falling short of their goals should be encouraged. Single them out, saying you notice and appreciate their efforts. Words of encouragement from you will make all the difference between a tense atmosphere and a harmonious one.

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You're even moodier than usual, which creates confusion in both your personal and professional lives. When your feelings threaten to overwhelm you, stop what you are doing and breathe deep. Don't take any actions when you're consumed by fear or excitement. Instead, table your decision for a full day. The same principle holds true for expressing anger or adoration. Whether you want to lash out at your romantic partner or propose marriage to the object of your affection, it's best to wait until you're thinking clearly.

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You're getting mixed messages from a relative or neighbour. Despite assurances that your behaviour is totally acceptable, you sense their disapproval. Instead of worrying about what others think of you, keep marching to the beat of your own drum. In the past, your desire for popularity stopped you from fulfilling your potential. Now you are becoming less self-conscious. This will help you be more direct and creative. No wonder others feel threatened; they don't want to be eclipsed by your superior gifts.

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Don't begin work on a project until you make a detailed plan of action. Having all your supplies ready is critical to your success. It would be a shame to be halfway towards a goal, only to realise the materials you need are no longer available. It's also important to set a series of deadlines. You tend to get so wrapped up in your work that you forget the time. Posting a list of dates by which to complete certain tasks will keep you on track and under budget.

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You'll be offered a leadership role, but will be tempted to turn it down. Assuming a job with lots of responsibility is the last thing you want. You've always prized your personal life. Being free to take extended trips is very important to you. That's why you've always performed work that is beneath your abilities. Instead of continuing this trend, push yourself harder. Presiding over a large group will give you valuable experience. It will also pave the way to financial security.

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You're eager to take a risk, but nagging fears are holding you back. This is your subconscious trying to protect you from harm. When you start feeling nervous, examine the source of your anxiety. It's only natural you are uneasy about entering unfamiliar territory. In the grand scheme of things, you're not putting yourself in physical danger. Take a deep breath and change direction. Even if you fall short of your goal, you will have learned something valuable.

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A group is being torn apart at the seams. Nobody can agree about how to allocate money. You think the opposition is being too frivolous, while they think you're being cheap. Instead of doubling down on your stance, be more receptive. Listen carefully to the arguments being made about buying better looking materials. There's a chance these expenditures will be good investments. If people find the result of your work pleasing, you'll attract bigger and better roles. Don't underestimate the importance of a polished appearance.

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You and your partner are working at cross purposes. It's important to establish clear, healthy boundaries if you're going to stay together. You dislike conflict, but having a fight is better than feeling like you're not respected. Your other half does think well of you, but they aren't aware how certain phrases and behaviours affect you. Be honest and specific in your criticisms. Deliver these concerns when you're calm and receptive. Angry accusations will make a difficult situation worse.

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