
Think about all that's right about your current situation and all those things which aren't so good too. Nothing is perfect but as long as the positive points outweigh the negative, you're doing OK. If lately you've felt dissatisfied, count your blessings instead of your grievances and you'll enjoy life a lot more. You might even decide some aspects of your world you weren't happy about, aren't so bad after all.

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An offer or challenge you accept today will fill a gap in your life. It may even be what you're doing now will lead to the fulfilment of a special goal. This may mean giving up something which meant a lot to you in the past. Try to look on your glass as being half full rather than half empty. Life is an adventure, an unending journey; the paths you are now choosing will take you to exciting places you've never been to, before.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Being able to help someone in need is the highlight of your day; it's nice to know you can still make a difference. This might inspire you to do some volunteer work; you would be particularly suited to help at a soup kitchen or with children in after school projects. Choose activities to fit your abilities and as well as this being a unique experience you'll be making some great new friends.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Someone's keen to gain your support as a way to use you for being responsible for their decisions. It's easier for them to leave it to you to make the choices. This way, they can celebrate and benefit from your joint successes or hold you culpable when and if things go wrong. To avoid such a predicament, be sure all responsibilities in a partnership are shared and all decisions made jointly.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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There's one option among a number of alternatives which seems to shine brighter than all the rest; it feels right for you. It might surprise other people you're so determined about what you're going to do now especially when you've made your mind up so quickly. Someone is on your wavelength. Their go getting mood is in keeping with your own and this will all go towards the day ending as positively and optimistically as when it began!

Get todays Leo horoscope
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By being truthful with those around you, you'll be able to rely on them for being sincere about their feelings. Subjects which come under discussion are best dealt with in an honest and open fashion. You will be happy to set an example by making the first unembellished comment. A business venture needs thought; find out what the requirements and specifications are before making a final decision.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're accepting responsibility because of groundless feelings of guilt; why let someone else do this to you? Others should not hold you accountable for a mistake you didn't make. Nor should you feel bad about something that happened in the past which wasn't your fault. Nothing positive will come out of you being used as someone else's scapegoat. If you're feeling harassed and anxious this will make you feel poorly.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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If your goals aren't likely to make life satisfying, change them. It's entirely possible all your aims centre on your work and that arena. Although this may lead to you taking steps up the career ladder, what sacrifices are you making to get there? It's no use working hard to be a success professionally, if personally, your life lacks happiness and satisfaction. Are your priorities changing or have you lost sight of your real goals.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't jump to conclusions; think before you speak and act. Put a little effort into understanding a situation from someone else's perspective and you might realise why they are behaving a certain way. Even with serious issues, asking questions and not taking things at face value provides you with a better opportunity to see the whole picture. A little additional information could make a big difference to the way you react and respond.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Going through a tough time will show how resilient you are; a challenge brings out the best in you. When confronted with an unwelcome circumstance, instead of crumbling and panicking as some might do, you'll take a deep breath and look at the event in a matter of fact way. This will help you decide on what to do next and others will follow your lead. You're finding out exactly what you're capable of now.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Just because one bad thing happens doesn't mean everything else is doomed to go the same way! Even so, it's almost inevitable things will start to go wrong if you believe it's going to be 'one of those days!' Apart from a slight mishap at the start of the day, most jobs will be hassle free as long as you take a positive approach towards them from the start. As far as possible stick with the simplest of routine jobs and don't take any chances.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Confident decision making makes a big difference to relationships. The confusion you feel will be understood by others who are going through similar emotions. Even so, it would be far better to make firm choices rather than leave it to others to make decisions for you. Don't force yourself to be sociable or attend any social functions this evening when relaxing on your own will be far less stressful. All you have to do is say 'No'!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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