
Unlimited freedom isn't possible right now; you have to answer to your friends. Therefore, you may want to scale back projects created solely for your personal amusement. Otherwise, you'll offend loved ones who need your love, support, and time. It's quite possible you'll have to spend the weekend engaged in some unpleasant task. Resist the urge to complain. There will come a time when you'll need this favour returned.

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Status and position don't impress you very much, and you're tempted to turn down a plum position. Before you issue a refusal, though, consider how this opportunity could open other doors for you. For instance, could a promotion give you more time to pursue your favourite interests? Will your exalted status put you in contact with important figures that can help you in some way? Don't burn your bridges just yet.

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Getting a formal education probably isn't a big priority for you, since you learn things so easily. However, you may want to consider getting a professional certificate as a means to surmount some stubborn obstacles. Perhaps you can get your employer to pay for your schooling. Alternately, you may be able to get a grant or scholarship. Don't let your pride get in the way of making life easier for yourself.

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Wishing for a financially secure future is not enough; you'll have to work for it and this could mean cutting back on wasteful expenditures. Yes, it's important to pamper yourself from time to time, but making a routine practice of buying luxury items is ill-advised. Create a budget that is structured around savings, with an occasional indulgence factor worked in. It's never too late to salt away funds. Even the smallest contributions will add up.

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The privacy you crave may be elusive right now, as friends keep seeking you out for advice. Resist the urge to lash out at these people, as they only have the best intentions. You can always hang a "do not disturb" sign on your door and turn down the ringer on your phone. If someone manages to break down this wall of silence, be patient. You'll have plenty of chances to relax later this weekend.

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Dealing with hospitals, schools, or cultural institutions could be difficult today. It's natural to expect these organisations would be eager to help, but that may not be the case. Rather than rebelling against silly bureaucratic rules, try to play along. The path of least resistance will probably be the easiest one to follow. Wear comfortable clothing so you won't suffer while you wait. A book of crossword puzzles will help pass the time.

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You can't keep putting off your dreams for a more convenient time. Stop telling yourself that you'll get around to your passion when you have more money. Any ambition involves an element of risk. Take a single step in the direction of this vision and see what happens. Invariably, support will arrive that will help you bring this project to fruition. The important thing is to move forward, regardless of the obstacles before you.

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You may be overconfident about just how much authority you possess. The fact is, the most effective leaders have the support of their team. It's not enough to make decisions; you need to connect with the ones who rely on you for guidance. Pause to learn more about these people. Demonstrating an interest in their lives will make it easier for you in the long run. Never forget the human element involved with big projects.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, because you may be uninformed about key matters. It's easy to have a knee-jerk reaction to a seemingly offensive story. Consider, though, the times when your actions were misinterpreted. By exercising patience and open-mindedness, you'll save everyone involved lots of aggravation. A dramatic person may try to suck you into their hysterical vortex. Resist!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Other people's needs should take precedence over yours today, so relinquish your ego. It may seem that the world is caving in around you, but once you start helping others, you'll see this situation in a different light. You're far more resourceful than you give yourself credit for. By focusing on people who are less privileged than yourself, you'll be able to find a solution to your problems, instead of wallowing in them.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's difficult to assert your talents when the competition seems so strong. Don't be intimidated by folks who talk a big game. The true test of your ability is how you apply it. By focusing on the immediate tasks at hand, you can put forth a capable and assured performance. Separate yourself from the crowd if hearing other people brag makes you nervous. There's no reason to believe these boasts.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Despite the huge amounts of work heaped on your plate, you'll be tempted to procrastinate. The longer you put off your duties, the more pressure you put on yourself. Make a list of three important jobs that should be done today, then cross them out as you finish each job. Putting things down in black-and-white can give you a sense of direction. You can always goof off when the weekend arrives.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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