
You're pragmatic and hard working. When it's not possible to occupy a prominent role, you are content to work behind the scenes. Keeping a low profile will be instructive. You'll be put in contact with people who automatically command respect. Watch and learn. You'll quickly get a sense of which attitudes contribute to their success. By integrating these methods into your own approach, your star will rise. Instead of struggling to land plum position, you'll attract them like a flower draws bees.

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People respect your knowledge and experience. If you're offered a teaching job, accept it. You'll learn as much from your students as they will from you. At first, the pay won't be impressive. That's because you haven't proven yourself. Pour all your energy into creating interesting classes that have practical use. Word of your talent as an instructor will spread like wildfire. Soon, you'll become one of the most popular teachers in the organisation. At that point, you can ask for a raise.

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You're willing to dig beneath the surface to get to the truth of a matter. The facts you uncover will earn the respect of your superiors. Don't be surprised if you're given a promotion as thanks for your persistence. While everyone else was content to embrace the status quo, you were smart enough to question it. As a result, your company will be able to take advantage of a growing trend that goes against conventional wisdom. Being a critical thinker has its advantages.

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Taking a partnership seriously helps you withstand pressure that tears apart other couples. Instead of yearning for greener pastures, you give thanks for your amour's best qualities. Expressing your admiration and gratitude on a regular basis strengthens your bond. Are you single? You will meet someone special on a trip. Don't get upset when you are asked to attend to a professional conference. This assignment will cause you to cross paths with the love of your life.

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Breaking a bad habit takes time, but you're making admirable progress. Keep your nose to the grindstone. When you feel tempted to revert to the old ways, get moral support. A friend who has grappled with similar challenges has important insights to share. At first, their advice may seem silly. Set your judgements aside and put their suggestions into practice. You'll be surprised how effective they are. Sometimes the most difficult problems have simple solutions. Stop trying to complicate your life.

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Just because you have a great deal of responsibilities doesn't mean you should neglect your creative impulses. Make time in your busy schedule for artistic pursuits. Spending an hour each day on painting, writing or playing music will give you a new lease on life. You'll have to delegate responsibilities to relatives, colleagues and friends. At first, you'll hear a great deal of complaining. There's no reason you should feel guilty about doing less work. You've paid your dues and deserve a break.

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Home gives you a sense of structure. When life spirals out of control, retreat to the privacy of your abode. Turn your attention to domestic chores like cooking and cleaning. The simple act of baking a cake will restore a sense of order. You have more control over a situation than you realise. If you're not happy with the way someone has been treating you, speak up. Make it clear you won't put up with this abuse. Leave if the situation persists.

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Beware of responding to a provocative post on social media. Someone who is trying to stir up trouble is trying to tarnish your reputation. Don't dignify your comments with a response. Be ready to block this pest or suspend your account to shut down a hurtful thread. Getting drawn into a pointless argument will be a waste of valuable energy. It could also cause you to say things you will later regret. It's easy to say things you don't mean when you're consumed with anger.

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You deserve to be prosperous. Stop telling yourself you're not good enough to land a responsible role or better paid job. You have all the experience and talent to win a good position. Rather than applying for low level assignments, strive for a prestigious one. A well-connected relative will be happy to recommend you for a spot that has just opened at their company. Thanks to their referral, you'll be able to get paid for doing work you enjoy. The fulfilling nature of this job will lead to a series of promotions.

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Don't hesitate to go after an opportunity you strongly desire. Nobody will blame you for lobbying for this position. Its tailor made for you. Call the head of the company, write an email to a publisher or submit your portfolio to an art gallery. It doesn't matter how you want to achieve prominence; the important thing is to take the direct approach. Your determination will impress people. There's a big difference between being rude and persistent. You're very good at being gracious when pressing your point.

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Your sensitivity sometimes makes you feel isolated. While everyone else is having a good time, you're brooding over current events. Give yourself a break. People who are suffering won't fare any better when you wallow in guilt. Enjoy your blessings to the fullest while finding ways to shine light in the world. You might want to do volunteer work one day each week. Limit your exposure to news broadcasts and social media. By concentrating on things that are going well, the world will seem a lot less gloomy.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're looking for ways to build a financially secure future. This can involve anything from opening a savings account to taking a money management course to paying off credit card debt. If you've had trouble making ends meet, imagine yourself turning a corner. There's no reason you will continue this trend. When you begin seeing yourself as a prosperous person, you'll begin attracting abundance. Adopt the behaviour of wealthy individuals by protecting your assets and seeking moneymaking ventures at every turn.

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