
It may be necessary to pay a tax bill or penalty. Although it galls you to part with your hard earned cash, there probably isn't any alternative. Write the cheque and forget about the whole nasty business as soon as you possibly can. This expense will put a dent in your budget, so you'll have to live on a shoestring for the short term. Fortunately, you don't need a lot of expensive baubles to be happy. Concentrate on enjoying the many blessings you already have.

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Lawsuits or legal difficulties can complicate your life. If it's possible, try settling disputes outside of court. You may have to take a loss, but it's better than wasting valuable time and money on a case. Someone who is determined to make a point has all the time in the world to make your life miserable. Don't get sucked into their emotional vortex. The sooner you part ways, the happier you will be. Treat this unfortunate situation as a valuable lesson.

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Resist the temptation to conquer a big mountain of work. You'll make much better progress by taking baby steps. When you start getting tired, take a break. Re-align your focus on an activity that recharges your batteries. Going out with friends, walking the dog or enjoying a nourishing meal will sustain your energy, not drain it. If you want to take some exercise, don't overdo it. A leisurely walk will get your circulation going without putting undue strain on your muscles.

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Loss through financial speculations can occur. This is not a good time to make investments or offer loans. Keep your hard earned cash in the bank, where it belongs. Even a proposition that sounds like a sure thing will fall through. If you're going to remain solvent, you must be cautious. Romantic risks could also backfire. Wait another few days before confessing a crush or asking for a date. By that time, you may have changed your mind about the object of your affection.

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Oppressive family responsibilities are taking their toll on you. It's time to get some outside help. Fortunately, there are agencies who can provide a therapist, nurse or counsellor. Explore all the options available to you. Shouldering these burdens all by yourself can cause health problems. The last thing you need is to cope with aches and pains while trying to care for someone else. In the past, you have been terribly stubborn. Try being flexible instead. It's better to bend than break.

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You are prone to negative thinking, which can drive opportunity from your door. When things go wrong, remain philosophical. Try to look for new opportunities that arise from adversity. Instead of trying to steer your ship where you want it to go, find the safest passage. You'll be amazed how much easier life becomes as a result. Work, money, love and opportunities will come fast and furious. You'll stop fretting over what you can't have and start appreciating all your good fortune.

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Financial limitations have been imposed on you. That means you have to cut back on expenses. Spending beyond your means will cause more trouble than it is worth. You can still look fabulous while living on a budget. Instead of accumulating more status symbols, focus on paying your bills. Once you've satisfied all your economic obligations, your confidence will soar. You'll be able to rest easier and handle stress better. Stop looking to lavish friends for cues on how to live.

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Lack of confidence is undermining a close relationship. It's important to assert your needs, even at the risk of hurting a loved one's feelings. If you continue pretending everything is fine, resentment will build. The intimacy you once enjoyed will fall by the wayside. To avoid this trouble, come clean. Describe your needs in a direct way. If your friend becomes defensive, offer your reassurance. Explain you want to strengthen your bond, not tear them down. Be ready to hear about their desires.

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Try not to be your own worst enemy. If you fear something, face it. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how capable you are of handling this challenge. You're a lot more practical than people realise. When faced with financial limitations, you'll find ways to raise funds or cut costs. A project that requires more than one pair of hands is still worth taking. Ask a former colleague to lend their assistance. By splitting the profits, you'll do a great job in record time.

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Don't mix with a group that is shallow and opportunistic. The last thing you want is to be lumped in with these opportunists. Going solo can be difficult, but it will also be educational. You'll soon learn who can be trusted and who should be avoided. Stop paying attention to gossip. Make judgements based on your own experience and observations. You've always had good instincts about who is authentic and talented. Keep company with accomplished individuals and avoid the rest.

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Difficulties with a government agency, authority figure or employer will make life stressful. Pressing your point will be like pouring petrol over a raging fire. It's better to play by the rules, even if they are stupid or unfair. You'll later have an opportunity to challenge these guidelines. Right now, a deadline is looming ahead. Put principles aside for the sake of expediency. You hate compromising on moral issues, but people are counting on you. Do everything in your power to deliver a project on time.

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Just because you were raised with certain values doesn't mean everyone should adhere to them. Adopt an open mind when working with someone whose background is very different. Their perspective can be valuable when applied to your own work. You may start to notice flaws that were previously beneath your radar. Take this opportunity to make some improvements. Don't be resistant to altering your approach. People will be impressed by your willingness to turn a good formula into a great one.

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