
You're keen to share your plans and ideas. You hope that your family and friends will go along with your suggestions. Where you need to be more careful is with ideas other people put to you. Someone's imagination is working overtime, their plans are unrealistic and it might be up to you to tactfully point this out to them.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A group project could benefit from your practical skills. You may not be in the mood for company. A strong need for some peace and quiet will steer you behind the scenes. You will benefit from being alone with your thoughts and you will be even more productive working in the background.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Be prepared for some turmoil. Someone whose mood is volatile is causing havoc in your workplace or home. You will be at sixes and sevens wondering if there's going to be an end to this confusion. Keep your own temper in check when someone says something you know they don't really mean.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You know there's little chance of being paid back but offering someone a loan would help them out of a quandary. If you can afford it you will be pleased to be able to help. Subtle developments concerning money will cause you to look at finances from a few different perspectives.

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Be realistic and admit a project is not going to be completed in time. Ask for a deadline to be extended. You don't want to rush and make a mess of an intricate part of this assignment. Sanctions are being put in place and although this may cause further frustration you will do your best to keep within these boundaries.

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A friend will follow your lead no matter what you suggest or plan to do. They're always ready to agree to your suggestions. This is starting to get irksome when you might wonder if they will ever come up with some original ideas of their own. At least you won't have to waste time arguing.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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An argument is resolved surprisingly easily. You and a close friend or partner share an almost telepathic rapport. This increases your understanding of each other without words even being necessary. You're planning ahead and taking steps to ensure this will not leave anyone in the lurch.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Worry is affecting your outlook. Creating a comfortable, stable personal life would make you feel less anxious. When you find it hard to curb your restless energy, go for a walk or drive out to the countryside. Spending time in nature will put family and domestic problems in their proper perspective.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Staff shortages and other restrictions are making it difficult for you to keep on top of your work. You're ready to cut down your schedule but this won't be easy. Your boss is starting to expect too much from you when they need to accept you can't do everything. Being shown respect from those in high places would make a difference to your peace of mind.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An impetuous choice or action could hurt someone you love. You're unusually restless but acting on impulse is not recommended. Whether you're angry, upset or disappointed, channel your energy in a productive direction. Stress is starting to take a toll on your health. Take up a light form of exercise.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Before today you would never have believed how much you could enjoy the company of someone you didn't expect to get on well with. In the past, you found little common ground to bring you together. Now you are starting to discover how good you can actually be together. You are also grateful for the words of wisdom they put your way.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Uncertainty about a task or assignment you recently took on has been keeping you awake at night. A review of your progress will banish all thoughts that you don't have it within you to reach this ambitious target. You are more talented than you realise and you should soon have reason to be proud of your accomplishments.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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