
Working behind the scenes will reap significant rewards. Someone who occupies a prominent position will express their gratitude for your hard work. A handsome bonus, an impressive promotion and a lovely gift are among the possibilities. If you're looking for work, accept an entry level position. You'll quickly rise through the ranks. It's impossible to hold back someone with your pioneer spirit. The secret to your success is a willingness to treat every assignment like a learning experience.

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A friend will invite you to a concert or play. Alternatively, they could ask you to accompany them on an all-expenses paid vacation. Accept this offer with an open and happy heart. You've always poured a great deal of care into your relationships. The Universe is returning a small measure of the love you have given. If you're single, it's possible you'll steer a platonic alliance into romantic waters. Follow this impulse. This will be a match made in heaven.

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A career opportunity brings long term financial security. Rearrange your schedule to attend a job interview or give a professional presentation. If you're not looking for work, be open to taking the helm of a volunteer organisation or fundraiser. Your wit, charm and intelligence will go a long way to helping a worthy cause. There will be considerable emotional rewards from your role. When the world seems incredibly dark, you're busy shining light into the lives of people who need it.

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You're valued for your insight and expertise. Although you enjoy being helpful, you have your own work to do. The next time someone asks for your assistance, explain you are very busy and have to charge a fee for your service. Getting paid for your work will allow you to travel and study. Anyone who accuses you of being selfish or greedy doesn't have your best interests at heart. There's no reason you should give away valuable information without enriching yourself.

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A passionate relationship gives you an attractive glow. Looking forward to your meetings each day makes your eyes sparkle with excitement. Don't be surprised when people ask you whether you've been to a spa or lost weight. The best cosmetic is being in love. Are you single? You will meet someone special at a place you regularly visit. This newcomer will immediately get your attention. Don't hesitate to introduce yourself. You'll feel like you've known each other for years.

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An old friend will call and propose an outing. This reunion will warm your heart. You have a busy life. Sometimes relationships fall by the wayside for the sake of work and family. By making a renewed commitment to your nearest and dearest, life will improve. A dutiful person like you should always be on guard for burnout. When you feel tired, irritable or hopeless, call someone who makes you laugh. You'll feel energised and restored. Friends are your own form of vitamins.

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Your attitude has a tremendous impact. This is especially true regarding your health. If you're not feeling well, treat yourself kindly. Don't beat yourself up if you're unable to fix dinner or run errands. Instead, listen to your body's signals and take a break. There's nothing wrong with long nap in the middle of the day or neglecting the laundry while you put your feet up. Anyone who dares criticise your reduced workload should be avoided. Recovery will happen faster when you establish firm boundaries.

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You're surrounded by good luck. This is an ideal time to buy a single raffle or lottery ticket. If you have a crush on someone, ask for a date. Are you looking for a better job? Apply for one that seems out of reach. Don't be afraid to pursue your heart's desire. The worst thing that could happen is your efforts will fall flat. Things have a way of working out, even when you encounter resistance in the initial stages. Stay positive.

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Money for home improvements will be well spent. Upgrading your bathroom or kitchen will increase the value of your place. If you don't own your residence, you will have a chance to purchase one or move to a bigger place. Look for a property that is in a secluded locale. A social butterfly like you has to have a private retreat where you can recharge your batteries. When you get lonely for company, you can always invite friends over for a meal or movie marathon.

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A post on social media will get an enthusiastic response. When using Facebook, Twitter or Reddit, keep it positive. There's enough disturbing stories to set people on edge. By offering some hope and happiness, your popularity will soar. Are you looking for work? You will find a promising position online. An experienced friend will help you update your CV and create a portfolio of impressive work samples. Make sure to give your benefactor a generous gift. Their input will help you land your dream job.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A friendship or romance is a profound source of pleasure. Two heads are better than one. If you're planning a trip, ask your loved one to accompany you. This will double your enjoyment of a beautiful place that is off the beaten path. As the year winds down, it's wise to turn your focus to your personal life. Professional prospects and creative pursuits should be put on hold for the sake of relationships. You can get back to work once 2017 arrives.

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You get by with a little help from your friends. A loved one with ties to an influential institution can get you a job interview, date or audition. Don't hesitate to ask for their assistance. Many people brag about their ability to achieve success on their own. This is deceptive. The reality is everyone has received financial and emotional support. Human beings are social creatures. We come together to further goals, perform good deeds and realise dreams. It's perfectly reasonable to ask for a recommendation.

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