
The stress and strain of Christmas is beginning to dissipate, giving you more time to focus on your personal goals. Get a head start on your New Year's resolutions by deciding what you want to achieve in 2001. You can't expect to get ahead without having some solid training behind you. Do some research on your goals.

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Your intellectual horizons are about to expand, but whether it's a pleasant experience or not is up to you. Try not to be so resistant to what a mature and clever person has to teach you. The fact is, this person has been through life lessons that gives them a natural edge over your academic training.

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Keeping your personal life private may be difficult, thanks to a meddlesome individual who insists on knowing everything. You're going to have to make a choice here. Either feed a friend or relative’s need for information or tell them to butt out. It's not fair to expect your other half to fight your own battles.

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The prospect of a long-term commitment isn't one you really relish right now; you'd rather do things independently. Be honest about your needs; otherwise, somebody special is going to get hurt. Yes, you may be shutting the door on a romance, but you're not ready for one anyway. Be patient - your day will come.

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Being of service to others doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards to accommodate their every whim. If someone is extra demanding, tell them what you will and will not do in no uncertain terms. This will undoubtedly cause tension or even a split between you at first, but you'll eventually garner the respect you deserve.

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Spending some quality time with the one you love never felt so good; it's as if the two of you are making a fresh new start. If things are going to continue in this positive vein, you've must forgive whatever mistakes have occurred in the past or you will be condemned to repeat the same fight over and over again.

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If you feel as though there is unspoken tension between you and a beloved relative, get to the bottom of it. The longer you pretend there's nothing wrong, the worse the problem will become. It's entirely possible that a teasing remark has rubbed this person up the wrong way. Never underestimate the power of words.

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Ask yourself this question: are the people you consider your friends really as caring and supportive as you are to them? If the answer is no, then you must make changes to your social circle. You have so much to offer; stop giving your affection away to people who don't deserve it. This is really a self-esteem issue.

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Creating a budget helps get your cash situation under control; isn't it time you stopped squandering your resources? Keeping up with others isn't any fun if you're going broke in the process. Start thinking about ways to make money, not spend it. You can't buy respect and admiration; that's earned through hard work.

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Spend Boxing Day in the company of people you cherish; you can always put off unpleasant business until the New Year. If you feel as though you're on the verge of making a life change, you're dead right. It's time to realise your potential as a great leader. Seek out fresh opportunities to develop your talent.

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Your unusually secretive ways are causing people to scratch their heads and wonder about your state of mind. Don't bother explaining your actions; you have the right to a private life. In the meantime, pay careful attention to any irrational fears you have. Until you confront them, you will never be free of their dark shadow.

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Someone makes too many emotional demands on you; are you acting out of guilt or genuine concern? Keep in mind that this person has no right to take advantage of your generosity, no matter what you did in the past. You'll lose both trust and your self-esteem if you allow this pattern to continue indefinitely.

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