
You must take a realistic approach about realising your dreams, or they will remain forever out of reach. Fortunately, all you need is some training. Don't get discouraged if you have to enrol in a long-term study programme. Time will fly once you get started as it turns out to be a labour of love. A journey may have to be postponed for a while.

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Helping others is tremendously rewarding, especially when financial fears are playing on your peace of mind. The fact is, you have much more security than most people in the world. By keeping this in mind, you'll be able to take the necessary steps toward allaying your debts. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's starting to glimmer through now.

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Encourage a child's artistic efforts at every opportunity; your approval means a great deal. As a youngster explores different ways to express themselves, you may decide to pick up a hobby again. Set aside time for this endeavour every week, or your efforts will fall by the wayside. You could use some mental stimulation.

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You don't like make a public show of yourself in any way, but your imagination is really an asset. Go ahead and express your ideas, even if others find them a little strange at first. One of these brainstorms could become unexpectedly popular, and help make you lots of money in the process. Let folks see they shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

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Indulging your fantasies is a wonderful way to add spice to a romantic relationship present or future. Don't be afraid to expose your hidden side to the one you love. They'll be just as keen to fuel your passion. Don't be discouraged if you're not involved with someone special. Why not look for ways to meet a cute beau via a dateline service?

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A wonderfully sexy person could literally sweep you off your feet; it's not like you to get carried away. The reason your love interest is so compelling is that they appeal to your whimsical side. It's nice to explore your dreams with somebody who touches your soul. Just take care that you don't lose complete sight of reality.

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The best way to increase your own income is to extend a helping hand to others. That's because the act of giving makes you open to other people's generosity. As it stands, you're too worried to recognise the opportunities that exist all around you. That will change once you get involved with people who are worse off than you.

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Don't be ashamed of being too sentimental - the world would better a better place if there were more people who cared. Giving a card or gift that invokes the past will bring joy. Nothing will demonstrate your love and devotion more. A cynical person may mock your offering, but is secretly envious of your emotional honesty.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Making sacrifices for those you care for won't be difficult when the situation demands it. You never know how much you really love someone until you're forced into action. Don't worry about missing a golden job opportunity. Another one will present itself at a more convenient time. Sit tight for now and concentrate on the things that matter.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Putting off important decisions will only prolong your agony; the time to act is now. Yes, someone you love will be hurt at first, but that can't be helped. You'll do more damage by keeping them in the dark. A sympathetic soul will provide you with a ready shoulder to cry on. Delaying until tomorrow what can be easily done today keeps you all in limbo. So why do it?

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You'll have to try harder if you're going to impress a grim faced director or manager. Although your charms have never failed to open doors for you in the past, they may not work in this instance. Fortunately, you've plenty of intellectual ability behind that disarming smile. Put it to the test for to win them over it's a case of the proof of the pudding!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your dreamy behaviour is quite attractive to people who have sexual designs on you; in fact, you may have to fight off admirers. Settle on one who speaks to the artist or psychic in you. The two of you can make beautiful music together, both literally and metaphorically. If you're on your own, travel on vacation to somewhere you've always been fascinated by.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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