
Beware of your tendency towards working yourself into the ground. While your diligence is admirable, it can result in burnout. Take a few well timed breaks, especially when you feel tired. Your boss appreciates your willingness to roll up your sleeves and do what's necessary to finish an important job. As a result, you could be offered extra annual leave. Head for a seaside resort with plenty of privacy. This will be a wonderful chance to reconnect with your sensual side.

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Your lover will accuse you of being egotistical and while you do think highly of yourself, you really aren't selfish. It's just that you feel compelled to promote your talent in a competitive market. That's fine as far as your professional life is concerned. Your love life requires a different approach. Be a little more generous with your amour. Defer to their tastes. Let them pick the next movie you watch or restaurant you visit. The more considerate you are, the more passionate your relationship will be.

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Your more vulnerable than usual, thanks to a relative's insensitive remarks. While it's true you are easily distracted, that doesn't mean you are doomed to failure. You'll prevail over a financial matter, so long as you ask a money manager for help. Together, you can create a budget that makes sense for your income. Your first order of business will be paying off debts. Once that happens, you can begin contributing to a savings account. A steady job will speed you towards these goals.

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The last thing you want to do is work in isolation. Unfortunately, your boss will separate you from the rest of the team to attend a highly sensitive job. Don't tell others about this assignment, as the client wants to remain anonymous. Fortunately, your best friend or lover understands your need for discretion, and will be happy to divert your attention after hours. This is a great time to go to a sporting event, contest, or movie. Spending quality time together restores your zest for life.

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Don't let down your defences with friends. They'll make light of your situation and hurt your feelings in the process. You're better off channelling your frustration into work. Developing a new filing system will save lots of time and effort. This will cause your stature to rise. You might even get a nicer office as a reward for this invaluable contribution. An older relative has good advice regarding money. Start looking for more ways to get greater value for your income.

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You're extremely impatient regarding career matters. Your superiors seem to be stringing you along. Putting in long hours and making personal sacrifices hasn't resulted in a promotion or raise. Maybe it's time to look for a better job. A religious or cultural leader will be happy to write a letter of recommendation for you. With this kind of backing, it will be no trouble finding a position at a prestigious school, law firm, or publisher. Emphasise your communication skills in an interview.

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You know a great deal about a subject, but you're not the ultimate authority. Be willing to listen to someone who has a strong background in your field of interest. At first, you'll think their approach is simplistic. The longer you listen the more you'll realise this expert has some profound insights. The two of you will form a strong bond. In time you'll start regarding each other as family, instead of close friends. Going into business together would be a really good idea.

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It's important to lighten up, especially when you're surrounded by friends. Don't let a bad mood infect everyone else around you. Instead, let your loved ones buoy your spirits with silly jokes. At first, their behaviour will seem dreadfully immature. Eventually you'll realise you're being unduly dour. If you're worried about money, take comfort in the knowledge you can improve your situation. It's just a matter of sending out a slew of job applications, accompanied by a compelling CV.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A loved one will accuse you of being rather cold, distant and unfeeling. The truth is just the opposite. You care deeply about an issue, which is why you have to break off a troubled alliance. You've tried to make this relationship work, but these efforts have fallen flat. Listen to your intuition regarding a career matter. The best way to impress your boss is to work behind the scenes, with no expectation of reward. The more quiet and humble your attitude, the higher your star will rise.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Resist the temptation to daydream when you should be working. An important job requires your full attention. If you waste time surfing the Internet when you should be filling out forms, you'll miss an important deadline. Summon your willpower and zero in on the task at hand. An experienced colleague will offer valuable tips on delivering this assignment on time and under budget. The two of you should form an alliance. Together, you will conduct research that will bring long term stability for your company.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Try not to pry into a lover's past. There are some things that are better left unsaid. If the two of you are going to enjoy a rewarding relationship, you have to focus on the here and now. Nagging doubts can be eliminated from your mind by finding new ways to achieve intimacy. Simply gazing into each other's eyes will be enough to cement your love. Are you looking for a partner? A prominent business executive is admiring you from afar. Seek out their company at an upcoming party.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's hard to make a decision about a family matter. You don't want to let your relatives down, but actually you'd rather spend time with your amour. Heading off for a lovely break will have a therapeutic effect. You're always at the beck and call of loved ones. This has taken its toll on your spirits. You're happy to be a sympathetic listener, but can't spend all of your time counselling others. Relaxing with an attentive lover will fill the emotional void that's yawning inside.

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