
New arrangements are being put into place with the hope that this will carry you into the long-term future. Policies and procedures in the workplace have taken into account past problems and future possibilities. Life is different and you are changing to match new circumstances. This is how you turn something different into the new normal.

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You will need a lot of energy for work you have agreed to do later in the day. For that reason it would be sensible to take it easy early on. Spending a few hours on a relaxing hobby will remind you of how much you enjoy this activity and how you keep promising yourself to make more time for things that make you happy.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Avoid pessimistic people or situations. Don't spend too much time with a senior colleague who constantly criticises your efforts. Don't let their comments chip away your self-confidence. Be mindful of your self-talk and focus on positive thoughts that give you strength of mind and courage to take action.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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It's annoying when you are trying to have a conversation with someone who has to keep checking their text messages or take phone calls. You feel you aren't important to them and they aren't concerned about what you have to say. You are going to have to let them know how you view their inconsiderate behaviour.

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You've worked hard and you deserve to spend some money on yourself. You've been keeping to a tight budget recently and although you have done well, this is starting to get to you. There will be no harm in giving yourself an occasional treat. Just be sensible and take care not to go overboard.

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At last you will see results of past hardworking efforts. You will be delighted to realise you have achieved more than you had expected. A relative has been hoping you would call by but for various reasons you've had to keep postponing these plans. Even if it's just a fleeting visit, it will make their day.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're the most diplomatic person in your team and others are looking to you to help resolve an argument. You will listen to both sides before making a suggestion on how to find a compromise. You excel in being able to find the right words to soothe someone who is feeling out of sorts.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A heart to heart with your partner or a close friend is just what you both need. There are a few things you have recently needed to get off your chest. These may seem trivial to some people but some issues have been playing on your mind. You will be surprised at how much more relaxed this leaves you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Text messages, phone calls and people wanting to talk to you will mean you won't get everything done that you had intended. Even so, you will enjoy conversations and when someone asks for your help with a creative chore, you couldn't have asked for a better excuse to take a break from the more practical ones.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You've put a lot of effort into a work or family project. Other people want to get involved but you will prefer to finish it on your own. Don't hesitate to head off anyone who looks like they might undo all your good work. A relative who has been awkward of late seems to want to make amends. You will be happy to forgive and forget.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Being proactive will bring positive achievement. Your go-getting attitude will attract new opportunities and recognition of your talents. Be curious and follow whatever sparks your interest and enthusiasm. Ask plenty of questions if you want to learn more about a subject or new possibilities. You will feel happiest with lots of company around you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's unfortunate that people around you aren't being particularly helpful when you're trying to get a difficult job out of the way. Colleagues will have other things to do that according to them are more of a priority. You wish someone could be more cooperative. Just remember this moment when they ask for your help in the future.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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