
A desire to acquire valuable skills may prompt you to take a course related to your job. Alternately, you may start associating with people who have lots to teach you. Be willing to open yourself to new ideas, and to make plenty of mistakes in the beginning. You have a tendency to get impatient when you don't master skills right away. A little persistence goes a long way now. Think of yourself as an apprentice.

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Making friends with an unusual person lets you know that it's all right to flaunt your eccentricities. Too often, you're scared to admit that you don't agree with the majority opinion. By taking your cues from your new pal, you'll see that it's actually refreshing to depart from the crowd. Putting away money for a rainy day will give you a divine feeling of reassurance. Resist the urge to make impulse purchases.

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Your dedication to a cause makes you a popular and respected figure. You have the power to inspire others into action, even if resistance to a big power structure seems futile. Setting a good example could win you a big following. Don't waste your time on those who would rather fulfil their own selfish needs than work as a member of the team. Cooperative types are best suited to today's endeavours.

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You're in an introspective mood with regard to your career today. You need to know that your work is serving a good purpose. If you sense that you could be doing something more meaningful, look for a position that speaks to your heart. You can test the waters by volunteering for a charitable organisation. This is a good way to find out if a particular job suits you or not.

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An unusual work arrangement can work to your benefit, provided you keep an open mind. At first a proposed change may seem threatening. Instead of fighting the trend, see how it works in your favour. There are probably some unseen benefits involved. Being able to assist others will give you a renewed sense of belonging. You're a naturally giving person, and need duties that allow you to connect with people in a meaningful way.

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An unconventional partnership could open your eyes to new possibilities. Don't worry if a particular friend doesn't blend in with your regular crowd. There's no need to travel with a big group at all times. Intimate friendships allow you to see life from a different perspective. You could get an interesting movie or reading recommendation today. Be sure to follow up on it, as it could provide plenty of food for thought.

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Taking a serious approach to your creative talent is a good way to find spiritual fulfilment. Just because a skill comes easily to you doesn't mean it's worthless. By studying with someone who can develop your gifts, you'll have more appreciation for them. Besides, it's easier for you to work alongside a partner than it is to be on your own. Look for a mentor who can render constructive criticisms that help instead of hurt.

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An exciting creative breakthrough is possible, provided you're willing to obey your instincts. Mastering a software program can take your work to the next level. Instead of learning things by the book, try playing around with a technological innovation. You could stumble upon a new artistic technique quite by accident. Give yourself permission to innovate. You're far more imaginative than you realise.

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Making a serious commitment to a partner could give you the sense of grounding you need. It can be difficult for an independent person like you to attach yourself to another. That's because you fear what will happen when you want to go off on your own. What you don't realise is that being completely self-sufficient can be extremely tiring. Start considering the benefits of having a helpmate on whom to rely.

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You're just starting to see your personal wants and needs in a whole new light. Because you're a very goal-oriented person, you tend to work towards things that have material results. Unfortunately, you forget to enjoy the process. Make a list of the things that make life worth living for you, and then set out to do at least one of these activities each day. Have you paused to enjoy the glories of spring?

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Old romantic ties may be on your mind, and could prompt you to get in touch with a lost love. Resolving any loose ends can give you peace of mind. If you're not able to resolve matters with a person from your past, write this person a goodbye letter anyway. Document any anger, sadness, or frustration that has lingered as a result of your relationship. Then, you can burn the letter and release your regrets.

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Expressing what you really feel, instead of what you think others want to hear, is very liberating. You have a reputation for being a tactful and sympathetic listener, which gives you pride. Now it's time to consider, though, what price you are paying for pleasing people this way. It may be better to assert yourself more forcefully now. If certain friends can't handle your honesty, that may be because they valued you for selfish reasons.

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