
You hate admitting you are wrong, but it's probably the best course of action today. Being a gracious loser will only increase people's respect for you. We've all been forced to eat our words. The problem comes when we become too proud to step away from a bad decision. If you're in charge of a large group of people, it's important to apologise to any members of your team who have been harmed by an ill informed choice, it will soften their attitude towards you.

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Someone could force you to change your plans, which doesn't sit well. You put a lot of time and care into your schedule. Having to adjust it to suit someone else's whims is really annoying. What you may not realise is that you could benefit from being more spontaneous. You have to admit, you shy away from familiar situations. Until you venture into new territory you'll be fated to repeat history. Open the windows and let in some fresh air.

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You're easily bored, which causes you to abandon friendships before they are fully formed. Resist this temptation today. Someone you have recently met might try to take things to a new level, if you give them half a chance. If the two of you don't have a good time at a movie, play, or concert, stay calm. It's possible one of you was just having an off night. Arrange another meeting. The second encounter will go much better than the first. Persistence pays off.

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No matter how much money you have in the bank, you never feel really secure. This is all a matter of perception. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list every day. By writing down 5 blessings you enjoy on a daily basis, your consciousness will start to shift. Pretty soon, your feelings of longing will be replaced with a profound sense of contentment. What you focus on expands, and what you ignore contracts. It's a law of the universe.

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Feelings of superiority are alienating you from friends. Yes, you're considerably more talented than most, but this doesn't give you license to put down their abilities. Be more complimentary towards loved ones, especially when they are expressing their creativity. Even constructive criticism can be taken the wrong way. Try not to take it personally if someone fails to compliment your work. You can't expect to get a standing ovation for everything you do.

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Vulgarity makes you irritable; you wonder why everyone has loosened their standards. Not laughing at an insensitive wise crack might make others wary of you. On some level, it's healthy to acknowledge the seamy side of humanity. If you can't bring yourself to laugh, you can at least resist the urge to stop others telling witty tales. In future, make a point of surrounding yourself with friends who share your sensibilities. Birds of feather should flock together.

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If there's anything you hate, it's confusion. Unfortunately, a family situation is clouding your reason. It's hard to be objective when a loved one commits emotional blackmail. Be ready to challenge a relative when he crosses a personal boundary. His bad behaviour is making everyone miserable. If he isn't willing to shape up, you might want to avoid him. Why invite trouble when you could be leading a peaceful existence? If a situation is impossible do something about it.

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Living up to your potential seems exhausting. You'd rather do the bare minimum, simply because you're so tired. Try giving yourself an extra push today, or you could miss a golden opportunity. Return a phone call, go on a job interview, or introduce yourself to a new neighbour. Venturing out of your comfort zone will force you to exercise muscles that have lain dormant for the past few months. If someone unleashes their anger at you, prepare to fight back.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're tired of seeing an authority figure abuse his power. Tell this man exactly what you think of his unreasonable behaviour. Yes, you could be punished or fired, but that will seem like a small price to pay. You've always been quick on your feet, and can easily find a better opportunity within a few hours. The important thing is to stand by your principles. In a few days, you could be issued a formal apology. Revenge is sweet!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If there's anything you can't stand its people who invade your privacy. You need to draw a strong personal boundary if your boss, relative, or neighbour asks inappropriate questions. Of course, your relationship will suffer in the short term future. Nobody likes to be rebuffed. Still, you'll be glad you took a stand. If you're interviewing for a job, ask if you're going to be on call 24/7. Such a position may not be suitable for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've always been much more open minded than most of your contemporaries. Their short sighted views create all sorts of unnecessary strife. Trying to get them to loosen up may be an exercise in futility. Keep your feelings to yourself. People who cling to the old ways may be threatened by your forward thinking ways. Be respectful but distant when dealing with this character. Although you'll always be at odds, you still need their approval to move forward.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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When reality gets too harsh, you tend to retreat to a fantasy world. You can't afford to do this today. A close friend, business partner, or lover needs your help. Relieving them of a terrible burden will draw you closer together. Yes, the work involved makes you squeamish, but it will be character building as well. Friends may accuse you of being wrapped around their little finger. What they don't realise is that the two of you are a powerful team.

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