
Ill health or an injury is dimming your outlook. Instead of pressing yourself to meet a deadline, take time off. Stop telling yourself you are indispensable. If you have a contagious sickness, your colleagues will seriously resent your presence at work. Stay home and truly rest. By giving your system a chance to recover, your natural good humour will be restored. It will be easier to solve small problems and deal with annoying people. You'll also have the energy to go out and have fun after hours.

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A childish temper tantrum gets on your nerves. You don't let moods affect your work. Confronting this emotionally immature colleague will make no difference. It will put unwanted strain on your relationship. Discuss the situation with your employer. It's their job to keep the staff in line. Although the prospect of attending a party is tempting, you should go straight home after the whistle blows. Your system is weaker than you think; fortify it with a good night's sleep.

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It's possible your landlord will raise the rent or your home requires extensive repairs. The prospect of meeting these costs is deflating. Don't make any decisions while you're in this state of mind. It will be much easier to attract the solution you want when your spirits are high. If your job is coming to an end, it may be time to relocate. Making a fresh start in a new home will help you escape a suffocating situation that has held you hostage.

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Beware of a tendency to give sarcastic responses to questions. People who are seeking answers to their problems and dilemmas will be put off by your disdainful attitude. It's only natural that outsiders will be unfamiliar with a situation you deal with daily. By cutting them some slack, you'll pave the way for some supportive relationships. Someone who invites you to take a different approach to a problem is honestly trying to be helpful. Before brushing their suggestion aside, test it. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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Fighting, stealing and dishonesty are poisoning your environment. You're dealing with a group of have and have nots. The people who are struggling wouldn't be so dishonest and vindictive if they were treated with more respect. Try setting a more dignified tone. You may not realise it, but the public often follows your lead. When you take the time to thank people at the bottom of the organisation for their care and attention, the whole organisation will benefit. Sneaky behaviour will be replaced by courtesy and respect.

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A hasty decision will be cause for regret. Don't let an obnoxious, arrogant busy-body get under your skin. Their irreverent jokes aren't funny, yet everyone feels compelled to laugh. You detest this hypocrisy. There's nothing wrong with maintaining a straight face every time you are subjected to this comedy routine. Eventually, your boss will get the message and stop trying to entertain you. If your best friend or romantic partner urges you to put on a false front, ignore them. They don't understand how it pains you to pretend.

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Do not get involved in a secret intrigue, no matter how tempting the prospect. Providing cover stories for others will implicate you in their deceit. If someone tries twisting your arm to do their bidding, reconsider your relationship. With friends like these, you don't need enemies. Some people will be threatened by your principled stance. They fear you will spill the beans when it becomes inconvenient. That's not your problem; it's theirs. You have a reputation for being trustworthy. Don't throw it away for the sake of popularity.

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Disagreements with a large group makes it hard to focus. Normally, you don't care what others think of you. Now you realise how difficult it will be to realise your goals with little support. Instead of pushing your political and social opinions on others, steer clear of sensitive subjects altogether. Promote your agenda all you want during your free time. When you're on the job, limit your activities to work responsibilities. You're there to perform, not convert everyone to your point of view.

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Don't use unfair means to gain power and position. Accepting a plum position from a relative will undermine your effectiveness. It will also cause others to view you with suspicion. You're a highly accomplished person who can succeed in your own right. Instead of accepting favours from loved ones, forge your own path. Relatives may complain you are being disrespectful to your intended benefactor. Smile and explain the situation as politely as possible. You don't want to offend anyone; you just want to stand on your own two feet.

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Beware of getting swept up in a radical organisation. Although you want to overhaul an outmoded institution, you can't condone violence or hatred. So many people are rightfully angry about their lot in life. It's easy for them to turn a crusade for justice into a quest for revenge. Continue to treat people with respect and courtesy, even when they offend your core values. By setting an example of grace under fire, you'll attract a loyal following of fellow peaceful reformers.

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Fighting over a group fund makes you deeply unhappy. You're not a materialistic person. Walking away from this argument may be preferable to demanding your fair share. If you do decide to wash your hands of this affair, you should also avoid the people who created the problem in the first place. Your aim isn't to appease others; it's to cultivate peace for yourself. Continuing to mix and mingle with petty individuals will poison your happiness. Turn your back on the darkness and move towards the light.

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A business or romantic partner is threatened by your family ties. You shouldn't have to choose between these groups. Although it's important to defend your choice of friends, you should also maintain loyal to those who have known you since childhood. Sometimes your relatives are the only ones who can deliver painful truths. If they've shown concern about troubling aspects of your personal life, listen carefully. Their observations are justified. It's time to assert yourself in a close partnership, even at the risk of a breakup.

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