
Treat a confidential offer with caution; ask yourself why everything has to be kept a secret. If a proposal or request makes you suspicious or doubtful don't get involved. You might be looking for an excuse to take it easy today as you feel you have earned a break. An out-of-the-ordinary offer might add complications to your life you could do without. Best to walk away.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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It is the lighter side of life that gets your attention; you aren't in the mood for anything too demanding or strenuous. A friend is making some changes in their life but you won't want to know. Their plans don't interest or inspire you and you would rather not get involved. People would like you to take a part in their dreams and schemes. You must tell them you have your own life to lead.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You wish you could feel more relaxed and at ease but there is tension in the air and you can't drop your guard. Although you sense your lifestyle is starting to take an upward turn, there is still a lot to be confirmed and established and you will refuse to become complacent. You can see yourself a few weeks from now in a better position but until then, you must keep your wits about you.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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There are a lot of interesting things going on around you but you can't get involved in everything. You want to mix with others and to take an interest in opportunities that might add colour and excitement to your world. If the chance to travel is offered, you will be the first to volunteer. An unusual amount of restlessness could push you into making snap decisions.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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In both finance and romance, if you lower your sights you might feel happier with your accomplishments. You want perfection but no relationship is perfect and there is a need for compromise in order for you and a partner to feel happier in each other's company. Although it might seem early days to start thinking about insurance, pension and long-term investments it would do you no harm to investigate further into these matters.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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You might feel a little puzzled and even irritated with a friend or loved-one's behaviour. Others around you seem happy to while away the hours doing nothing whereas you are aware what must be done and you aren't happy to waste your time doing zilch. Sometimes you expect too much from yourself and others but you aren't being unreasonable today. All you ask is that people put in their fair share of work and nothing more.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You wish you could dazzle others with your brilliant ideas but today you can't seem to get your head working properly! There is someone nearby you would dearly love to impress and instead you feel tongue-tied and awkward when around them. You are trying too hard to please others when you should simply be yourself. Relax and you will shine in anything that calls for imagination and creativity.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You sense someone is bending the truth to get people to see things their way but you can't prove it. You would like to keep the atmosphere positive and upbeat but suspicion and doubt tends to mar relationships. As a Scorpio you appreciate the need to be secretive at times but you also value honesty and integrity. If you feel people are being devious, you will re-evaluate your links with them in the future.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A friend or colleague's reactions to your ideas might take you by surprise. Something bothers them more than you expected and you realise you don't know someone as well as you thought. There may be a need to modify or completely change some plans to keep others happy. This will annoy you a little but for now, it would be best to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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All your thoughts are centred on one area and because of this you could miss out on what is going on elsewhere. You want to get on with your own business and keep your head down but are you ignoring someone who is telling you to take an interest in other things? It would be a shame if an opportunity slips past unnoticed while your mind is in a world of its own. Open your eyes.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Someone you hardly know could introduce you to an interest or subject you've had little to do with before. Their enthusiasm will be contagious and you will want to find out more. Getting involved in new activities will add spice and variety to your life and you will be glad of the new friends you are making. A surprise could come in the form of a tax rebate just when you need the money!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If a friend or loved-one is hoping you will do them a favour, think twice before agreeing. You won't be happy when you discover they have got themselves into a bit of a mess and they're expecting you to help them out. If you are being asked to part with your money, keep well out of it. At work, if someone expects you to do something not in your job-description, say no!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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